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Quantum Information & Simulation

In quantum computing and communication, we encode information in quantum systems such as qubits. Quantum information theory seeks to understand the fundamental information processing tasks that can be accomplished by quantum systems. For example, how can we efficiently transmit information encoded in quantum systems while protecting it from noise? How can we ensure this information is secure from interception by a malicious eavesdropper? How can we exploit uniquely quantum effects such as entanglement to process information?

Other topics of interest under this theme include developing classical cryptographic protocols which will resist attacks by an adversary equipped with a quantum computer, the simulation of quantum mechanical systems, and applications of machine learning to the design of quantum devices.

Contact the UCD Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science, and Technology (C-QuEST)

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: quantum@ucd.ie