Research Programmes
The School boasts a large cohort of graduate students enrolled in high quality structured MSc (by research) and PhD programmes that provide training in specific, state-of-the-art and generic research skills. Graduate students constitute a significant and valued presence within our School and we are dedicated to the continuing development of our Ph.D. programmes and to enhancing the graduate’s training experience.
Students undertake their PhD in the context of a structured PhD programmes enabling students to achieve the best possible experience of graduate research and training. See here for more details. SBBS offers thematic Ph.D. programmes in Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, Infection Biology and Biotechnology.
Prospective students are directed to the College of Science Graduate School Website at http://www.ucd.ie/science/study/researchdegrees/ for further information on undertaking a PhD programme in UCD
You can find out more about about research degrees, the academic requirements, application process and fees etc. at http://www.ucd.ie/graduatestudies/researchprogrammes/
Click here for a list of frequently asked questions for prospective graduate research students in UCD College of Science.