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Groups & Workshops

In Student Health and Counselling we often run groups and workshops for students who feel it would be of benefit.

Mindfulness Groups

"Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudmentally". -- Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness skills help us to break some of the unconscious habits of thinking and behaving that stop us from living life to the full.

If you feel you would benefit from learning mindfulness skills, find out how to access our  mindfulness groups here.


Stress Management Course

This 6 week programme hopes to help with:

  • Managing stress and anxiety.
  • Managing difficult emotions.
  • Managing intrusive and repetitive thoughts.

If you feel you would benefit from this programme, click this link to find out more.

Mindfulness 1

Bereavement Support Group

The Bereavement Support Group is intended for Students who would like to learn new and supportive ways to reclaim moments of contentment and happiness while honouring those whom they have lost.  

The intention is that support groups can help the bereaved constructively manage the pain of grief, as they provide unique opportunities to both be heard and to bear witness to another's experience that are not often possible during individual counselling. Groups can lessen a sense of isolation that often accompanies grief.

The Bereavement Support Group is modelled on the Taos Institute Program where participants work together as a support for one another with the theme of the group being "Breathing Life into Stories of the Dead".  

This is a non-faith group setting. It is open to students of all faiths and none.  The methodology used does not conform to any faith structure and any input on faith comes from the participants alone.

The group normally runs for 4 weeks. The next support group is commencing Wednesday 25th of September 2024 at 4pm until Wednesday 16th of October.
Group enquiries can be directed to (opens in a new window)bronagh.hanna@ucd.ie. N ot all students who express an interest can automatically join the group. Bronagh will send interested students a form for completion which she will consider and in turn phone to liaise on the options available.  

SilverCloud CBT

SilverCloud is an easy to use online mental health support system that all UCD students have access to. It grants students secure and immediate access to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) support programmes. 

Each programme aims to help students to learn the skills to manage and cope with what they are experiencing and bring balance into their life. There are 7-8 modules in each programme that can be completed at a person’s own pace and in their own time. Each module will set different goals and provide information and support which can be used in everyday life.

SilverCloud can be accessed through the UCD Mobile app, or by clicking (opens in a new window)here.