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How do I register for counselling?

UCD Student Counselling Service Information Summer 2024

The UCD Student Counselling Service is available through the summer on a reduced basis. We are currently providing counselling to as many students as possible who registered for counselling last term.  The service capacity to engage with new and returning students is also limited because the counselling team need to take holidays during this period, in order to ensure maximum counselling availability for the new term 2024/25.

During the months of July and August the online self -referral/registration form for counselling services will not be in operation because availability of counselling cannot be guaranteed.  The online form will be open again in September. 

If you are experiencing acute and overwhelming emotional distress for example, any of the following signs that indicate severity:

  • Enduring low mood and you are finding it difficult to get up and perform simple daily tasks.
  • Pervasive sense of despair and hopelessness about the future
  • Strong suicidal urges/plan to end your life.
  • Overwhelming anxiety that severely disrupts your everyday life. 
  • Feelings of paranoia or very unusual thought processes 
  • Hearing voices 
  • Alcohol or substance abuse issues  

We would advise you to first contact the UCD Student Health Service to make a doctor appointment or contact your own GP.

Other supports available over summer at UCD include:

If you or somebody else is seriously physically injured or in immediate danger it is advisable to contact the emergency services straight away.

  • Call 017167999 on campus Or
  • 999 or 112 in the Republic of Ireland and the UK
  • 112 in EU countries
  • Or attend your local hospital Accident and Emergency Department.