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Teaching Toolkit

Planning a Teaching Session

There are a few concepts one ought to be familiar with when considering the design of any teaching session in order to fully appreciate the potential complexity inherent therein.

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Review the resource Planning a Teaching Session  which provides a brief introduction to such terms as: Constructive Alignment and Learning Outcomes and provides teaching session plans to assimilate the broader design concepts.

Begin by considering the structural overview on how to create content for an effective session, followed by integrating some activities for student engagement and reinforcement, with the goal of providing a supportive learning environment for all.

Ensure that the key roles and responsibilities as a facilitator and teacher are embedded in your plan :

  • Environment: creating a safe, conducive setting for self-directed learning 
  • Plan: organise and structure sessions, provide overviews and review connections
  • Clarify learning needs: relate learning outcomes to specific objectives, assignments and assessments
  • Design a learning plan – to aid and support students with personal action plans towards achieving (the above)
  • Facilitate learning activities: provide activities that ensure a students’ authentic learning experience
  • Evaluate learning outcomes: offer structured, timely and formative feedback in advance of summative assessment