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A To Z

Design Library - A To Z

The A To Z uses a combination of two Content Types. The Content Type 'Design Library - A to Z Listing' should appear at the start on the section and is followed by the Content Type 'Design Library - A to Z Item'. Each 'Design Library - A to Z Item' represents one carousel item.

Design Library - A to Z Listing

Contains a field for 'Name' and a field for a 'Title'.

Design Library - A to Z Item

This Content Type is used for each item in the A to Z. It contains a field for 'Name', ' Link Title' (the link title that appears in the A to Z), an option for an Internal or External link, 'Link Category' (you can create groups of links if you use the same category name, these will appear at the top of the page) and 'Link Letter Override' (to assign the item to a specific letter).

Link to  Pre-filtered Listing

You can link to a pre-filtered version of your A-Z listing by appending the page URL with "?category=your-category-here". Ensure that spaces in your category title are replaced with hyphens.

For example, to link to the Institutes and Centres category on this page the URL would be:


A to Z Component

Site Contact Component

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: sample.name@ucd.ie |

This component appears on every page of the site and is located in the section 'contactfooter'. Fields will only appear if populated with content. The 'contactfooter' section also contains separate components for each social media item.