Mechanical Engineers help us deal with the unprecedented challenges faced by the world today, from understanding climate change to finding sustainable growth pathways for the burgeoning population in the developing world.

About Us
Welcome to the UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering. The School has been producing graduates who are leaders within their respective industries for the past 100 years (www.ucd.ie/merrionstreet). We relocated to the Belfield campus in 1989 from buildings in Dublin’s city centre that are now home to the Irish government. Our principal taught programmes include Bachelors and Masters degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Management, Engineering with Business, Materials Science & Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and Energy Systems Engineering. Additionally, we provide structured PhD programmes in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Inclusive Design. We are fortunate to recruit the best students to our programmes. As the largest of UCD’s five engineering schools, with more than 30 full-time academic faculty, and being leaders for the SFI Centre for Advanced Manufacturing ((opens in a new window)www.i-form.ie), we offer you many exciting and varied opportunities for you to study and achieve a fulfilling and successful career in engineering, as well as to undertake cutting-edge research both in Dublin, with our industry partners and with our international collaborators around the world.
Whether you are interested in studying on one of our degree programmes, in evaluating your career options, or exploring your opportunities for research and innovation within the School, please feel free to browse our website and to contact us if you should have any queries.
Dr Vincent Hargaden, Head of School