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UCD Neurodiversity Celebration Thursday 18th April 2024

Report Launch: Making UCD a Neurodiversity Friendly Campus, 18th April, 10:00am-3:00pm

Stefanie Preissner, award winning writer, actor and director will join us to mark the launch of Making UCD a Neurodiversity Friendly Campus Research Report. This report is a comprehensive guide for UCD becoming more inclusive of neurodiversity. Neurodiversity experts, practitioners and advocates will showcase neurodiversity friendly and inclusive initiatives.

Book via the EDI webpage: www.ucd.ie/equality/groups/neurodiversitygroup/neurodiversityinclusioncelebration2024/

In-Person Event, Thursday 30th March 2023, Exploring Creativity and Neurodiversity.

Thursday, 30 March 2023: To mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week, you are invited to an in-person event exploring creativity and neurodiversity and Making UCD Neurodiversity Friendly Campus Project led by UCD EDI Neurodiversity Working Group. A panel of neurodivergent speakers will share their own experiences of working in film making, comic book illustration and comedy as Gaeilge.

Register via (opens in a new window)Eventbrite

To find out more about UCD's Neurodiversity events, webinars and mini podcast series via the website.

Support Group: UCD Employee Bereavement Support Group

The support group is intended for colleagues who would like to learn new and supportive ways to reclaim moments of contentment and happiness while honouring those whom they have lost. 

Find out more on our supports web pageor contact Bronagh Hanna( (opens in a new window)bronagh.hanna@ucd.ie)  or Eamonn Bourke( (opens in a new window)eamonn.bourke@ucd.ie).

Engineering just made visible strides towards Inclusivity by Design: our Research Skills and Methods module now begins with a more diverse faculty and wider range of topics and methodological approaches-see module below.

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia, May 17th 2022

This day raises awareness of discrimination and violence against LGBTI people worldwide. Raising awareness of IDAHOBIT lets your colleagues know that you are against the discrimination and violence of LGBTI people.  UCD has provided Top Ten Tips to encourage UCD employees to visibly and proactively show their support for the inclusion of LGBTI staff and students in the University Community and these tips plus more information on IDAHOBIT2022 can be found here.

EVENT:  UCD Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Staff Network supported by UCD Vice President for Equality Diversity and Inclusion will host an informal gathering to mark IDAHOBIT 2022 on Tuesday 17th May 2022 at 1pm-2pm in Room B006 in the Health Sciences Centre.  

The event will focus on community building, solidarity and authentic, effective Allyship.

All members of the UCD community are welcome to attend - refreshments will be provided.  

Please find details of the upcoming University for All Symposium by UCD Access & Lifelong Learning, University for All Project Team:

A Whole Institutional Approach to Embedding Universal Design for Learning
Thu, 26 May 2022 10:00 – 14:30 IST
UCD Sutherland School of Law

The event will also be live streamed - (opens in a new window)registration is available online.

Event: UCD's Celebration of Neurodiversity March 21st-25th.

You are cordially invited to University College Dublin's week-long celebration of Neurodiversity March 21st-25th.Join Sienna Castellon, Founder of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, and special guests to reflect on, and celebrate neurodiversity in art and culture, architecture, business, education, and technology via webinars, blogs, a masterclass and a podcast. From neurodivergent artists and advocates to students, graduates, and employees, this week explores lived experiences and shares the latest best practice in Ireland and internationally.

Explore UCD Neurodiversity Celebration Week | click here

Support UCD Neurodiversity Celebration Week:

  • Share this invitation to UCD Neurodiversity Celebration Week widely across your organisation and networks.
  • Spread the word about UCD Neurodiversity Celebration Week webinars by retweeting: @UCD_EDI  #NeurodiversityCelebrationWeek 
  • We want to hear from you: Are you planning to mark Neurodiversity Celebration Week? Tweet @UCD_EDI and we will spotlight your events to promote greater visibility of neurodiversity inclusion activities. 

November 18 is the International Day of LGBTQIA+ People in STEM

The Pride in Stem organisation has published the following statement on their website available at (opens in a new window)https://prideinstem.org/lgbtstemday/

November 18 has been selected to celebrate and highlight the work and barriers of LGBTQIA+ people in science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM).

Among their many struggles, we see that 28% of LGBT+ people have at some point considered leaving their jobs because of a hostile workplace or discrimination towards them. 2o% of trans people had often considered leaving (2019 Exploring The Workplace For LGBT+ Physical Scientists), which is an abysmally high number. One in three physicists in America has been urged to stay in the closet to progress in their career. Half of the transgender or gender non-conforming physicists were harassed in their own departments (2015 American Physical Society survey). Gay and bisexual students are less likely to follow an academic career ((opens in a new window)2018 Coming out in STEM: Factors affecting retention of sexual minority STEM students). To these statistics, we need to add barriers and issues specific to other underrepresented groups, which create a much bigger challenge for people with intersectional identities. 

The change of date from July comes after the result of an open survey and months of discussion. The date is symbolic of the 60th anniversary of American Astronomer and gay activist Frank Kameny’s US Supreme Court fight against workplace discrimination. This is a fight that continues today, not only in the US but in so many other countries worldwide. 

We hope that November 18 comes to represent all the people who continue to make the world of STEM a better and more inclusive place!

Breastfeeding Facilities

Please find breastfeeding facilities by building here

UCD's Top Ten Tips to support IDAHOBIT and greater LGBTI Inclusion in your College/Schools/EDI Committees: https://www.ucd.ie/equality/support/lgbtisupports/ 

UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1884 | E: mme@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)