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Elective Modules in Music

Music Elective Modules, 2024-2025

The School of Music is pleased to offer elective modules for students from across the University. Anyone who wants to learn more about music as part of their degree is encouraged to enrol. If you have any questions about any of these modules, please contact (opens in a new window)music@ucd.ie

Please see below for details of our academic and performance elective modules for 2024/25.

Photo courtesy of (opens in a new window)myucdblog: Mushrooms to Music - My Elective Choices

Elective Music Modules - Spring 2025

Performance Modules

Symphony Orchestra: Rehearsals Monday 6-8pm, Audition required.

Philharmonic Choir: Rehearsals Tuesday 6-8pm, Audition required. Singers from a broad range of musical backgrounds and experience levels, who share a love of singing are welcome.

Choral Scholars: Rehearsals Monday/Thursday 6-8:30pm (Available only to students who auditioned at the start of the autumn trimester)

Gamelan Ensemble: Indonesian Percussion Group, Rehearsals Wednesday 5-7pm, Beginners Welcome.

Composition Ensemble: Compose and perform your own music. Tutorials Wednesday 2-3pm, 
Practice Wednesday 7-9pm, No previous experience is required.

Traditional Irish Music Practices: With the legendary Irish musician Dónal Lunny.  Compose, Arrange and Perform. Practice Monday 4-6pm 

Performing Practice (MUS21000): This module examines collaborative creative performances from the 1960s to the present day. Wednesday 12-2pm

UCD School of Music

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8178 | E: music@ucd.ie