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Research Culture – Perspectives from Ireland and Beyond

21 September 2022

Scroll down for videos of the conference presentations and the slides for each talk.

Research Culture – Perspectives from Ireland and Abroad was the first conference of its kind in Ireland and brought together members of the research community in Ireland, including researchers, research administrators, funders, and policy makers, for a meaningful conversation about the culture of research. Speakers from across the research ecosystem shared national and international perspectives on research culture, emphasizing that everyone within the community has a role to play in changing the cultural. A presentation from the Research Culture Initiative at UCD showcased the culture survey and discussion feedback forum activities underway. Several themes emerged across the presentations including the significance of open research and diversity for enabling a positive research culture. Recent analysis on assessment practices as a core activity of research, particularly for funders but also for research performing organizations, has revealed how behaviour is motivated and can be shaped by these practices, marking it as a key action area for change.

The conference concluded with a panel discussion which included representation from policy-makers, research performing organizations, early career and senior researchers. Panelists raised several important points but agreed that changes in research culture should be motivated by what the research community values. Fundamentally, this is research with impact, work that makes as big a difference as possible. This level of excellence is best enabled through a positive research culture.


Speaker Bios and Abstracts 

(Speaker Bios and Abstracts PDF)

To play the videos, click on the image below for each session. The link will take you to the UCD Research Culture YouTube playlist.

Session 1 - Setting the Scene   

WendyMcLoone_Research_Culture _Slides

James Morris_Research_Culture _Slides

(opens in a new window)RC Conference Video Session 1 

Session 2 - Researcher Career Development and Wellbeing

Sean Sapcariu_Research_Culture _Slides

Brian Cahill_Research_Culture _Slides

(opens in a new window)RC Conference Video Session 2 

Session 3 part 1 - Roadmaps for Research Culture

Colleen Thomas_Research_Culture _Slides

Maura Hiney_Research_Culture _Slides

(opens in a new window)RC Conference Video Session 3.1 

Session 3 part 2 - Roadmaps for Research Culture

Sandra Collins_Research_Culture _Slides

Maria Cruz_Research_Culture _Slides

(opens in a new window)RC Conference Video Session 3.2 

Panel Discussion– Research Culture in Ireland – Roadmap and Developments 

(opens in a new window)RC Conference Video Panel 

Contact Us

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
E: research.culture@ucd.ie