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Fieldwork Insurance

Fieldwork Insurance

There are insurance considerations when planning any fieldwork either in Ireland or abroad. All fieldworkers must ensure that insurance is in place in advance of undertaking their fieldwork. For further information on fieldwork safety, details can be found on the Fieldwork Safety page. 

The extent of cover provided for equipment used on fieldwork is subject to policy terms and conditions. It should be noted that as a rule equipment left unattended and unsecured in the field is not insured. This includes equipment located outside of a vehicle or premises and which is not under the direct control or supervision of a UCD staff member or student.

Reasonable precautions to lock and/or secure the equipment must be taken.

There are additional considerations that may impact the cover available such as:

  • Is the equipment rented/borrowed?

  • How is the equipment being transported?

  • Where is it going?

  • What is the value of the equipment?

  • Is there a rental agreement in place, etc.?

To ascertain the extent of equipment cover available to persons using equipment valued at greater than €5000 on fieldwork, please contact the (opens in a new window)UCD SIRC Office with details of the equipment and the fieldwork risk assessment. (opens in a new window)

All persons travelling abroad for fieldwork and fieldwork leaders should ensure that adequate travel insurance is in place. Details of cover can be obtained from the (opens in a new window)UCD SIRC Office. Fieldwork risk assessments may be required before travel insurance can be confirmed.  

The UCD Travel Policy, which is endorsed by the University Management Team, has been developed to inform all persons engaged in foreign travel about the University’s travel safety and travel insurance provisions and limitations. This policy describes the approvals process within UCD related to international travel, travel insurance and the international travel risk assessment. 

For further information on the travel insurance approvals process see Travel Safety and Insurance.

Landowners and third party sites often request confirmation of insurance from UCD when providing access for fieldworkers.The UCD SIRC Office can provide third party public liability insurance confirmation letters where required. Email (opens in a new window)insurance@ucd.ie with details of planned fieldwork. Schools / Units should not sign any agreements with a third party in relation to insurance arrangements or indemnity without a review of the relative clauses by the UCD SIRC Office. 

Contact UCD SIRC Office

University SIRC Office, Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8771 | E: sirc@ucd.ie