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Travel Insurance

Travel Safety and Insurance

Information updated on 25th August 2022

All international travel must be notified to the (opens in a new window)SIRC Office in order to confirm that travel and personal accident insurance is in place.

When applied this insurance cover extends to travel that originates in Ireland and from the time that an insured person leaves their home or their normal place of work (whichever is the latest) and ends when that person returns to their normal place of work or their home (whichever is the earliest).

The UCD Travel Policy, which is endorsed by the University Management Team, has been developed to inform all persons engaged in foreign travel about the University’s travel safety and travel insurance provisions and limitations. This policy describes the approvals process within UCD related to international travel, travel insurance and the international travel risk assessment. 

This policy is not based exclusively around Covid 19 risks but considers all aspects of international travel and therefore is applicable to all such travel irrespective of the Covid status of the destination. 

It is important that persons travelling abroad on approved University business are familiar with the provisions of this policy and adhere to its provisions.

The approvals process is based on the (opens in a new window)Department Of Foreign Affairs Travel Advisory System.

It should be noted that:

  • Authorisation is required for certain types of travel (see Table 1 below).
  • For low risk travel in the UK, Switzerland, the EU and the EEA, no authorisation is required and insurance can be assumed. This does not apply to travel for fieldwork purposes or group travel, including undergraduate field trips, which must be submitted to (opens in a new window)SIRC in advance to confirm travel insurance.
  • Permission from your Head of School / Unit must be obtained for any travel to a country or region which is outside of the UK / Switzerland / EU / EEA, and details of such travel must be submitted to SIRC ((opens in a new window)insurance@ucd.ie) in advance to confirm travel insurance.
  • Permission from your UMT line manager and your Head of School / Unit must be obtained for any travel to a country or region which is subject to an ‘Avoid Non Essential Travel’ travel advisory, and details of such travel must be submitted to SIRC in advance to confirm travel insurance.
  • Any travel that requires approval must also be risk assessed using the (opens in a new window)International Travel Risk Assessment template.
  • For travel involving fieldwork, a (opens in a new window)Fieldwork Risk Assessment must also be completed irrespective of the location.
  • The duration of travel is limited to 12 months for any single trip, however, any travel of longer than 90 days must be notified to (opens in a new window)SIRC irrespective of destination so cover can be confirmed.

Travel Graphic

* This does not apply to travel for fieldwork purposes or group travel, including undergraduate field trips, which must be submitted to (opens in a new window)SIRC in advance to confirm travel insurance.

Table 1. UCD International Travel Approvals Process (Taken from UCD Travel Policy)

As part of the confirmation of insurance cover the SIRC Office will provide travellers with details of the limits of cover in place and emergency contact numbers to be used for medical emergencies whilst abroad.

It should be noted that in certain circumstances cover for losses related to Covid 19, such as cancellation, curtailment, self-isolation, mandatory Covid 19 tests or quarantine costs on arrival etc. will be limited and may not be recoverable from insurers.

In the event that the Covid 19 situation in the country of travel deteriorates further or the travel advisory status changes, such that return travel is impacted, insurance cover may be affected.

Notwithstanding the extension of UCD’s insurance cover all persons travelling within the EU and the EEA are advised to obtain a (opens in a new window)European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This allows access to the public health systems of countries within these areas and is free of charge.

Any queries in relation to making a claim under the university travel and personal accident policy can be sent to (opens in a new window)insurance@ucd.ie

Assessment of any claim will be subject to the policy term and conditions.

For any persons undertaking approved international travel on behalf of the University, before travelling it is important to establish if you need a visa for your trip.  E.g., If you are a non-EEA citizen living in Ireland, you will need a Schengen visa to travel to the Schengen Area.  Please contact the nearest (opens in a new window)Embassy or Consulate of the country you plan to visit for visa requirements. It is your responsibility to make sure you have the correct visa for your stay in another country.

Where individual travel insurance letters are required for VISA applications, please send your request to (opens in a new window)sirc@ucd.ie at least 7 days in advance of travel along with the following information:

  • Name of the person travelling as it appears on Passport
  • Destination of travel
  • Travel Start Date
  • Travel End Date
  • Purpose of Travel

You should note that for many countries, your passport needs to be valid for at least six months after the date that you travel.

Note that if you miss a flight due to not having the correct visa, then this cost is not recoverable from the travel insurers

Contact UCD SIRC Office

University SIRC Office, Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8771 | E: sirc@ucd.ie