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Tutoring Opportunities

Tutoring Opportunities

The School has a small budget for providing support for our research graduate students. The successful candidates will have a proven academic record of exceptional ability, and will usually not be in receipt of other significant forms of funding.

The School offers a very wide range of courses at all levels. There is a large amount of associated tutoring work at lst year level and we rely on our graduate research students to act as tutors.

In addition to an income students who are assigned tutoring responsibilities and complete at least six hours a week over the academic year are entitled to a fee concession of €3,152.50 (half the EU fee rate).

Students who are not receipt of a School scholarship or do not qualify for a School tutoring fee concession may also apply for tutoring hours at the standard tutoring rate of €35.30 p.h. (rate correct as of 01/06/2024, see here)
Students may also be assigned duties such as supervised examination of scripts or holding office hours for undergraduate student feedback on assignments, and these duties will be paid in addition at normal university rates and conditions.

For graduate students this work may provide supplementary income, as well as invaluable experience of teaching and dealing with students. Indeed, it is one of the recommended skills for PhD/MLitt students that they do a certain minimum amount of tutoring or teaching, as the skills acquired will be useful in whatever career they later take up.

For more information and application

Dr Alexander Kondakov
Tutors Co-ordinator
Room D405, Newman Building

T: +353 (0)1 716 8220
E: alexander.kondakov@ucd.ie

UCD School of Sociology

Newman Building (Room D401), University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8263