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Audio and Video Feedback

You can provide either audio or video feedback directly via the assignment tool in Brightspace. This feature is useful when you want to communicate more personally with your students or to accurately convey tone. You can record directly in Brightspace for up to five minutes providing audio feedback or thirty minutes providing video feedback. There is also the option to add multiple audio or video files if required.

Benefits of audio and video feedback

  • Allows a lecturer to provide clear spoken explanations in lieu of written feedback
  • Effective and efficient way to provide feedback to your students (particularly in blended and online modules)
  • A useful method of providing more personalised and specific feedback
  • Opportunity to increase student engagement with feedback as some learners find the audio visual format more motivating
  • This format enables students to review/revisit feedback (pause and replay) at a time and location that suits them.

Practical Tip

You will need a microphone and/or a webcam if you want to record audio or video feedback using the in-built media capture in Brightspace. It is recommended that you use the latest version of chrome browser.

How to provide audio and video feedback

1. Choose the module you wish to provide feedback on and from within that module select assessments from the menu bar and then assignments.

2. Choose the assignment, use the dropdown arrow next to the submission name and click ‘view submissions’.

3. Choose the option to ‘Assess’ the submission as this is where you can enter in a grade and feedback for the assignment (as shown)


Audio Feedback

4. To provide audio feedback on an assignment to students select ‘record audio’ (as shown).


5. Record the audio (up to 5mins) by selecting ‘new recording’ (as shown) and when completed click ‘add’ to add the recording to the feedback. You can replay the recording to ensure you are satisfied with it or re-record it if necessary.

6. You will be prompted to add a title (it is recommended you do this) and description (which is optional).

7. You can choose to publish the audio to students by selecting the ‘publish’ button.  Otherwise, select the ‘save draft’ option if you would like to hold off and publish all students' feedback at once (for further information see publishing feedback)


Video Feedback

8. To provide video feedback on an assignment to students select ‘record video’ (as shown).



9. Record the video (up to 30mins) by selecting ‘new recording’ (as shown) and when completed ‘stop recording’ and click ‘add’ to add the recording to the feedback. You can replay the recording to ensure you are satisfied with it or re-record it if necessary. 



10. You will be prompted to add a title (it is recommended you do this) and a description (which is optional).
11. You can choose to publish the video to students by selecting the ‘publish’ button.  Otherwise, select the ‘save draft’ option if you would like to hold off and publish all students' feedback at once (for further information see publishing feedback).

Practical Tip

You should always give the audio/or video feedback file which you record a title as it will be easier for students to identify it.

Learn More

UCD Teaching and Learning case study: Brightspace Audio Feedback
UCD Teaching and Learning showcase: Using Video Feedback in Brightspace