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AC Committee on Examinations

The Academic Council Committee on Examinations (ACCE) supports the Academic Council in all assessment related matters. The ACCE authorises the award of University degrees and other awards, approves Internal Examiners and nominates External Examiners to the National University of Ireland (NUI), oversees assessment practices across the University and act as the University's examination board dealing with the award of Research Degrees.

Committee Support: 

Ms Fiona Falvey & Mr Robert Finlay, Assessment, UCD Registry

email: (opens in a new window)acce@ucd.ie

ACCE Meeting Schedule 2024/2025

Submission Deadline*
 Meeting Date
Monday 2 September 2024
Tuesday 17 September 2024;11am
Monday 7 October 2024
Tuesday 22 October 2024;11am
Monday 4 November 2024**
Tuesday 19 November 2024;11am
Monday 2 December 2024
Tuesday 17 December 2024;11am
Monday 13 January 2025
Tuesday 28 January 2025;11am
Monday 3 February 025
Tuesday 18 February 2025;11am
Monday 10 March 2025
Tuesday 25 March 2025;11am
Monday 7 April 2025
Tuesday 22 April 2025;11am
Monday 5 May 2025***
Tuesday 20 May 2025;11am
Monday 2 June 2025****
Tuesday 17 June 2025;11am

*Ten working days are required for preparation, circulation and review of all documentation in advance of each meeting. It is therefore essential that documentation is submitted for the monthly submission deadline.
**Monday 4 November 2024 - Last ACCE deadline for December conferring
***Monday 5 May 2025 - Last ACCE deadline for June conferring
****Monday 2 June 2025 - Last ACCE deadline for September conferring

The ACCE shall, subject to review by the Academic Council, discharge the following major functions:

1. Authorise the award of University degrees and other awards, approve Internal Examiners, and nominate External Examiners (Subject and Special) to the NUI.

2. Oversee assessment practices across the University. This includes the following duties:

  • Act on behalf of the University, as the final decision-making authority on assessment- related matters with oversight of assessment strategies, grading practices and grading patterns across the University. ACCE will ensure that Schools or Programmes act in conformity with university policy and will give direction as appropriate.
  • Consider reports from the Director of Assessment in relation to the grade approvals process and make recommendations or give directions to Schools and Programme Examination Boards as appropriate.
  • The ACCE shall consider all Post-Examination Board changes to grades that are to the detriment of a student and either approve or reject such changes.
  • Assume responsibility for the university’s Examination Regulations, including the undertaking of periodic reviews to ensure they are fit-for-purpose, and proposing amendments to AC in this regard as required.

3. Act as the University’s examination board dealing with the award of Research Degrees. Such duties shall include:

  • Act, on behalf of the University, as an Examination Board for all doctoral and research degrees (PhDs, Professional Doctorates, Research Masters and MDs).
  • Award, on behalf of the University, all research degrees.
  • Award on behalf of the University, all posthumous awards/aegrotat degrees and to report these decisions to Academic Council.
  • Determine cases where there is disagreement among examiners in relation to the award of a research degree.
  • Deal with any other examination/assessment related matters delegated by the Academic Council.

4. The ACCE shall exercise some or all of the functions described above in respect of any Recognised College as specified by Academic Council.

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie