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UMT Global Engagement Group

The Global Engagement Group (UMT GEG) provides high-level oversight and coordination of the University’s internationalisation efforts and advises UMT on matters relating to internationalisation at UCD.

Committee Support: Delia Pearlman, UCD Global Engagement

• To assist in the further development and implementation of UCD’s Global Engagement Strategy (2016-2020) and to monitor and review the progress of this strategy in achieving the University’s objectives for global engagement.

• To comment and advise UMT on proposals and outcomes (and their adoption by GEG as appropriate) from UCD’s global strategy working groups e.g. Global Partnerships Working Group.

• To consider and respond to issues referred to the Group by the University Management Team relating to the University’s global engagement activities.

• To recommend to UMT for approval, on an annual basis, the University’s plan for international student recruitment targets and international tuition fees and to review the progress of this plan.

• To provide strategic oversight and recommendations to UMT on opportunities and proposals for new UCD globalisation activities across a range of areas, including:

o Institutional Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs)
o Overseas offices and representatives
o Overseas campuses
o International partnerships and associated activities
o Mobility opportunities
o Student recruitment pathways
o On campus activities

• To advise UMT on strategic oversight of foundation programmes, pre-sessional andin- sessional language programmes offered by UCD.

• To contribute to the development and implementation of UCD’s regional strategies, supported by the established steering groups for Europe, North America, China, South Asia, Asia-Pacific and other regional steering groups that may be established.

• To advise UMT on strategic oversight of UCD’s ‘area studies’* activities
*Area studies refers to research and scholarship pertaining to particular geographical, national, or cultural regions e.g. Chinese studies

• To provide a forum for the development and exchange of good practice in global engagement across UCD’s Colleges, Schools and Units.

• To provide institutional oversight of external environment activities (e.g. policies, regulations) that impact on UCD’s global engagement activities and ambitions.

UMT Global Engagement Group

Meeting Schedule 2024/25

Submission Deadline

 Meeting Date

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024 10-12pm

Tuesday 12th November 2024

Tuesday 26th November 2024 10-12pm

Tuesday 21st January 2025

Tuesday 4th February 2025 2-4pm

Thursday 20th March 2025

Thursday 3rd April 2025 11am - 1pm

Thursday 15th May 2025

Thursday 29th May 2025 2-4pm

Contact the UCD University Secretariat

Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 (1) 716 1279 (general enquiries) | E: univsec@ucd.ie