Datasets funded by national project grants


National funding agencies, such as the Irish Research Council for Humanities and Social Sciences, have provided funding for many Irish research projects. One of the terms of project grants is that, where the grant has funded a data collection effort, the resulting dataset must be made publicly available. This page lists the datasets that have been deposited with ISSDA. 

Eoin O'Malley, School of Law and Government, DCU

Project: Prime Ministerial Power

Notes: These data (in Stata format) relate to the power of prime ministers and include an index of prime ministerial power, which consists of a quantitative score of the power of individually named prime ministers from one of 22 countries in the period 1980-2000. Other variables relate to political and institutional resources available to those prime ministers as well as some other related data.

Data: Stata format

Contact: Eoin O'Malley

Michelle Norris, UCD School of Applied Social Science

Project: 20 Years of Residential Property Led Area Regeneration in Ireland: an assessment of the global impacts of the ‘Section 23’ tax incentives, 1986-2006

Funding Agency: IRCHSS

Data: Excel format

Contact: Michelle Norris
