The Housing Agency - Studies of Irish Housing Experiences, Attitudes & Aspirations

The Housing Agency National Housing Study of Irish Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland

Study number (SN): 0072-01
Housing experience, attitudes and aspirations of Irish Households, 2018

Study number (SN): 0072-02
Housing experience, attitudes and aspirations of Irish Apartment Residents, 2019


This research study, launched in 2018 by the Housing Agency, aims to better understand current housing experiences and attitudes in Ireland, and how different factors; tenure, family size, age, housing type, housing quality, social class and region impact on satisfaction levels. The research also looks at people’s future aspirations for their housing. This research will be used to provide data on trends in residential and neighbourhood satisfaction over time, and will be carried out at regular intervals. This is the first in a series of reports to be published from the research carried out in 2018. This initial phase of the research consisted of a desk-based literature review and exploratory focus groups. The objective of these focus groups was to explore themes around residential satisfaction and housing aspirations, emerging from the literature review, which would guide the quantitative survey design. The focus groups took place in Dublin. Each group lasted 90 minutes and consisted of eight respondents. The groups focused on two cohorts; renters and homeowners. An overview of the series of reports emanating from this research is detailed here. • Report 1– Drivers of Residential Satisfaction and Aspirations in Ireland • Report 2 – Irish Residential and Neighbourhood Satisfaction • Report 3 – Renting in Ireland: Experiences and Attitudes • Report 4 – Homeownership in Ireland: Experiences and Attitudes • Report 5 – Future Housing Aspirations 1.2 Rationale and background for the study The 2016 Action Plan for Housing and Homelessness – Rebuilding Ireland stated that housing is a basic human and social requirement, and went on to state that: “Good housing anchors strong communities, a performing economy and an environment of quality.” 1 Through the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Article 11.1) the Irish State recognises the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions. The Housing Agency was set up in May 2010 with a vision to enable everyone to live in good quality, affordable homes in sustainable communities; one of the ways of making a difference is through the Agency’s objective to be a knowledge centre for housing policy and practice. The Housing Agency hopes that, by providing a comprehensive national housing study with the aim of understanding Irish people’s housing situation and aspirations, it will provide input to the development of sustainable communities and help inform policy.

The Housing Agency commissioned Amárach Research to carry out the survey. 


  • Housing

  • Housing needs

  • Houses

  • Apartments

  • Satisfaction

  • Ireland

  • Attitudes

  • Freedom of residence

  • Residential mobility

  • Aspiration

  • Quality of life

  • Health status

  • Neighbourhoods

  • Housing Tenure

  • Costs

  • Residential satisfaction

  • Housing costs

  • Affordability





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