National Centre for Partnership and Performance Survey of Employees’ Attitudes and Expectations of the Workplace


SN: 0033-00


The National Centre for Partnership and Performance commissioned two large scale surveys (in 2003 and 2009) exploring employees' attitudes and experiences of the changing workplace, in both the public and private sectors. Data from both employee surveys are now available for request from ISSDA.

NCPP National Workplace Survey, 2009



NCPP (National Centre for Partnership and Performance), in collaboration with the ESRI and Amarach Research, conducted a large-scale survey of the perspectives and experiences of more than 5,000 employees in the private and public sectors. This is the second major national workplace survey to be conducted in Ireland (see 2003 survey below), enabling researchers to track the changes in the attitudes and experieces of employees over a period of intense change in this country. In addition to the employee survey, a complementary report on employers' views was also undertaken (see documentation below).

On April 1st 2010 the NCPP was incorpoprated into the National Economic and Social Council (NESC).  The data are owned primarily by the NESC but free usage of the employee data is available for non-commercial research.

Documentation (available for download)

NCPP Survey of Employees’ Attitudes and Expectations of the Workplace, 2003


About the study

NCPP (National Centre for Partnership and Performance) commissioned the Economic and Social Research Institute to carry out this survey among over 5,000 employees. The employee survey provides the first, large, nationally representative study of Irish employees specifically devoted to exploring worker experiences and attitudes and fills a long-existing gap in our understanding of the Irish workplace, its management and of employees' approach to and experience of change.

On April 1st 2010 the NCPP was incorpoprated into the National Economic and Social Council (NESC).  The data are owned primarily by the NESC but free usage of the employee data is available for non-commercial research.

Study documentation



Accessing the data

To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, sign it, send it to ISSDA by email.

Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to the data requester for completion.


If you have any queries relating to this dataset please read our FAQs.
