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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

SBES is a multi-cultural community committed to promoting equality and inclusiveness for all staff, students and visitors in all aspects of our School’s activities. Here you can gain an insight into some of the current initiatives within our School as we endeavour to provide an equal, diverse and inclusive working environment for all.

EDI in the School

Athena SWAN Bronze Award

SBES received Athena SWAN accreditation through a Bronze medal in October 2019.

The Athena SWAN charter recognises advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. It was established in 2005 by Advance Higher Education, to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) in higher education and research. In 2015 the charter was expanded to include those working in the arts, humanities, social sciences, business and law, those in professional and support roles, and trans staff and students.  In 2015, the Athena SWAN charter was launched in Ireland, supported by the Higher Education Authority.

For a copy of our school’s 2019 application, please contact the School office.

Our 2019 – 2023 Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) details 19 actions comprising 70 specific action points across 4 key pillars:

  • Embedding Athena SWAN culture within our school
  • Supporting students in our school
  • Recruiting, retaining and promoting women in our school
  • Promoting and supporting a work-life balance in our school

Clickhere for a copy of our GEAP.

We believe that our proposed changes will benefit everyone in our School, our staff, our students and all those who visit. Our GEAP is fully supported by our Head of School, Associate Professor Evelyn Doyle:

 ‘The Athena SWAN initiative is about improving work practices for all of us. The changes introduced through the Athena SWAN process to address gender equity issues will also benefit staff with young families, those caring for elderly parents or others who need us, as well as our own self-care outside of our work lives, men & women’.

EDI committee co-chairs:


Dr. Hughes is the school’s EDI committee Chair and representative on the College of Science EDI committee. You can reach him at (opens in a new window)g.hughes@ucd.ie 

Dignity and Respect

At SBES, we strive for a positive working and learning environment, in which individuals treat one another with mutual respect and dignity. UCD’s dignity and respect policy supports a collegiate environment for all staff, students and visitors, which is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment (https://www.ucd.ie/equality/support/dignityrespect/).

UCD’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion unit plays a key role in ensuring the promotion and mainstreaming of equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the university. It promotes equality and diversity initiatives and implements the UMT Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work plan. The unit provides support and advice in dealing with equality and diversity matters, participates on appropriate University groups and develops strategies which support the identification and implementation of best practice policies and procedures in the University. More information on UCD’s EDI policies and activities can be found here: https://www.ucd.ie/equality/information/policies/

If you have any concerns about Dignity & Respect or wish to report an incident of bullying, harassment, or sexual harassment please refer to the tools and options laid out in the UCD policy (https://www.ucd.ie/equality/support/dignityrespect/), including the annonymous Reporting tool, the option to speak to a Dignity & Respect Contact Person and the option to make formal or informal complaints.

You can find a range of information on supports for underrepresented groups within UCD through the UCD EDI group webpages including, but not limited to:

School of Biology and Environmental Science