‘There’s no such thing as dead languages, only dormant minds’ (Carlos Ruiz Zafón)

Our Research
UCD School of Classics performs excellent research in the field of Classics. Our 8 permanent staff members have collectively published 20 books and more than 90 book chapters or peer-reviewed articles on topics ranging from the archaeology of the Early Bronze Age and the history and literature of Classical Greece, Republican Rome, and the Early Roman Empire to the history of the church in Late Antiquity and the reception of Classics in the Renaissance. We also promote and support excellence in Classical scholarship both in Ireland and internationally. We currently have six PhD students working on a variety of topics related to the history, literature and archaeology of the Ancient World. Our recent Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellows include Dr Daniele Miano (2014-16) and Dr Daniel Kiss (2013-15) and Marie Curie Research Fellow Dr Alan Ross (2014-16). In June 2016 we hosted 330 delegates at the 9th Celtic Conference in Classics.