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Chakraborti, Prithwijit

Joint methods of inversion of geophysical data with machine learning for 3D geology characterization SE Limerick basin


MSc Candidate: Prithwijit Chakraborti

Supervisor: Dr Aline Melo, Dr Tom Manzocchi

Funded by: School of Earth Sciences


My research focuses on utilisation of geophysical data and machine learning to identify geological features of interest on a local and regional scale that are germane to mineral exploration. A part of my research deals with integration of multiple geophysical data using machine learning to map the shallow subsurface features in areas where individual geophysical data visualisation is not sufficient to retrieve necessary geological details at desired scale and efficiency. The other aspect of my research is to incorporate petrophysical data in geophysical inversion methods that will allow precise geology differentiation from the final geophysical inverted models.