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Gomez Garcia, Clara

Seismic imaging with high-frequency waveform techniques


PhD Candidate: Clara Gomez Garcia

Supervisors: Professor Sergei Lebedev (DIAS), Professor John Walsh

Funded by: Science Foundation Ireland, iCRAG


This research investigates passive seismic imaging with high-frequency waveform techniques. The objective is to develop and apply new fine-tune passive-seismology methods applicable at scales from tens of meters to kilometres (deposit scale to lithospheric scale). There are two principal approaches: (1) resolving seismic discontinuities (reflectors) by the analysis and waveform inversion of auto-correlation functions and (2) refining seismic-velocity distributions by the cross-correlations of high-frequency waves from local seismic events. All available sources of seismic signal will be utilised, including discrete seismic events and continuous ambient seismic noise.

From the basic-science perspective, this study will provide new information on fine-scale sub-surface crustal structure and better constraints on the processes of formation and evolution of Ireland and surroundings. From an applied perspective, this research will generate know-how that should inform the development of new methods for performing passive seismic surveys for mineral exploration.