Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA), 2009-2010

Study number (SN): 0010-01


Irish Sports Council (2009). The Children's Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA) 2009-2010 [data collection]. Version 1. Dublin: Irish Social Science Data Archive SN: 0010-00.



The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity study (CSPPA) was funded by the Irish Sports Council. It was a unique multi-centre study undertaken by Dublin City University, University of Limerick and University College Cork and brought together expertise from physical education, sport and coaching studies and physical activity for health.

Data were collected from children and young people in primary and post-primary schools using a self-complete questionnaire, interview and physical health data (height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure). The primary school questionnaire was issued to pupils in 5th and 6th classes and included questions on physical activity levels, transport and participation in sports clubs and sports in school.

The CSPPA Study was conducted in 2009 and was designed as a follow-up survey to the 2005 ‘School Children and Sport in Ireland’ Study, which was carried out on behalf of the Irish Sports Council by the Economic and Social Research Institute. The same methodology was used where possible for both studies, thereby allowing comparisons to be made.

The study aims were to:

  • provide a national database of physical activity, physical education and sport participation levels of children and youth in Ireland
  • assess indices of health and fitness in a sub-sample of the target population
  • collect and analyse information on the factors influencing participation
  • provide insight into issues surrounding volunteering in youth sports and activity clubs 

The information collected will provide guidance to the development of policy in the areas of health, sport, education, transport and the environment all of which have important roles to play in getting Irish children more active more often.


  • Physical Education
  • Physical Activity
  • Sports’ Participation
  • Active Transport
  • Sedentary Behaviour
  • Youth Sport 




Data (available through ISSDA application process)

File name

File format

Contents of file

0010-01_CSPPA 2009-2010_post_primary


CSPPA Post Primary School data

0010-01_CSPPA 2009-2010_primary


CSPPA Primary School data

Documentation (available for download) 

File name

File format

Contents of file


CSPPA Questionnaire – Post Primary


 CSPPA Questionnaire - Post Primary

CSPPA Questionnaire –Primary


 CSPPA Questionnaire - Primary

CSPPA Barriers to Being Active Questionnaire_Section 7 Q4


 Barriers to Being Active Questionnaire

CSPPA Physical Activity Measures Protocols


Protocols for physical measurements taken as part of the CSPPA study

The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA Study)


Study Report 1 to the Irish Sports Council on the CSPPA Study (2010)

The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA Study)


Study Report 2 to the Irish Sports Council on the CSPPA Study (2011)



Accessing the data

To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, sign it, and send it to ISSDA by email.

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Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. 


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Citation requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical citation

Irish Sports Council (2009). The Children's Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA) 2009-2010 [data collection]. Version 1. Dublin: Irish Social Science Data Archive SN: 0010-00.


The user shall notify the Irish Social Science Data Archive of all publications where she or he has used the data.

