Success Stories in Systems Biology

Success stories in systems biology is a new publication produced by SBI as part of the EU FP7 Infrastructure for Systems Biology Europe (ISBE) project.

27 July, 2015 Read More

SBI Researchers Attend Inaugural Systems Medicine Summer School

SBI PhD students Elena Nikonova and Alba Tourino travelled in June to the Stockholm archipelago for a new systems medicine training initiative developed through the Coordinating Action Systems Medicine (CASyM) programme

15 July, 2015 Read More

World's Premier Computational Biology Conference Comes to Dublin

The World’s Premier Conference on Computational Biology, ISMB/ECCB 2015, comes to Dublin this July with over 1500 scientists expected to attend. Honorary chair Prof. Des Higgins (Systems Biology Ireland and UCD Conway Institute) explains what the conference is about in a short video.

09 July, 2015 Read More

Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology Workshop

SBI is delighted to co-organise and co-sponsor this year's Mathematical Methods in Systems Biology International Workshop.

14 June, 2015 Read More

Getting to the Pint of Science

The annual Pint of Science Festival took place from the 18th-20th May and it has grown significantly since it first reached Irish shores last year.

21 May, 2015 Read More

SBI Alumni Focus: Dr. Maria Luisa Gurriero, AstraZeneca

This month we catch up with former SBI researcher Maria Luisa Guerriero to find out about how her SFI Industry Fellowship has led to a career in the pharmaceutical industry.

19 May, 2015 Read More

SBI Director Walter Kolch Awarded €2.3M for Melanoma Research

Minister for Skills, Research and Innovation, Damien English TD announced over €30 million of research funding for 23 major research projects, including €2.3 million for a melanoma project led by SBI Director Prof. Walter Kolch.

29 April, 2015 Read More

MSc Biotechnology Elevator Pitch Evening

On Tuesday evening, students from the Biotechnology Masters Programme from the UCD School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science assembled to deliver their final elevator pitches as part of their Professional Career Development module.

27 April, 2015 Read More

Futurehealth: Innovation to Revolutionise Healthcare

Dr Dirk Fey, Research Fellow at SBI, is one of 10 idea owners who yesterday completed the NDRC/UCD FutureHealth pre-accelerator programme. Here he gives his perspective on how the programme is addressing challenges in healthcare.

26 March, 2015 Read More

New SBI Research on Breast Cancer's Underlying Molecular Mechanisms, and More From Our Latest Publications

A run down of SBI's latest publications, including "Signalling mechanisms regulating phenotypic changes in breast cancer cells," Volinksy N et al. Biosci. Rep. 2015 Feb 3.

19 March, 2015 Read More

From Systems Biology to Systems Medicine

Check out some recent videos that explain more about precision medicine and how it works with systems biology.

04 March, 2015 Read More

Rare Disease Day 2015: SBI researcher's efforts to raise awareness of rare genetic disorder

Susan Kennedy, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow here at SBI is involved in organizing a 5km fun run along with three friends to raise funds and awareness for a rare disease called Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS).

02 March, 2015 Read More

World Cancer Day 2015: 3 Leading cancer specialists discuss their work

At SBI and UCD Conway Institute, our cancer research groups focus on identifying new targets for cancer diagnosis and treatment that will improve the prognosis for patients. We asked our senior scientists how their research teams are rising to the challenge that cancer presents us with today.

04 February, 2015 Read More

Cancer: The Challenges and Solutions

World Cancer Day is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), the leading international non-governmental organisation that unites the cancer community.

04 February, 2015 Read More

World Cancer Day 2015 Coffee Morning in UCD

World Cancer Day is a unique opportunity to encourage everyone affected by cancer to recognise the role they can play in reducing the burden of the disease and ultimately reduce premature deaths from cancer by 25% by 2025.

04 February, 2015 Read More

What is precision medicine?

Following US President Barack Obama's State of the Union address in January 2015, there has been much discussion about what precision medicine is and how it differs from current medical practices.

24 January, 2015 Read More

SBI Team Up with UCD Conway & Charles Institutes to Inspire the Next Generation of Scientists

PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from SBI, UCD Conway and Charles Institutes took part in the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition, hosting more than 550 promising young scientists and showing them how to conduct fun and easy experiments.

15 January, 2015 Read More

How nanotechnology is being used to tackle cancer and other stories from our latest publications

In two recently published collaborative studies, multifunctional nanoparticles were used to target tumour cells.

01 January, 2015 Read More

PRIMES Midterm Review Held in Vienna

The PRIMES Mid Term Review took place on 1st December followed by the project's annual meeting on 2nd and 3rd December in Vienna. PRIMES is a 13 partner European FP7 - HEALTH - 2011 collaborative project in the theme "Proteins and their interactions in health and disease".

16 December, 2014 Read More

Futurehealth: SBI Partner with NDRC to Accelerate Health Science Innovations

SBI and UCD are excited to partner with the NDRC, one of Europe’s leading accelerator programmes, to launch FutureHealth. This new eight-week pre-accelerator programme starting in February 2015 has been created to focus exclusively on the support of early stage healthtech ventures.

09 December, 2014 Read More

Success for SBI at 2014 Irish Lab Awards

The Irish Laboratory Awards 2014 took place in Dublin this week on Wednesday December 3rd and it was a successful night for Systems Biology Ireland with Amaya Garcia-Muñoz taking home the prize for 'Laboratory Staff Member of the Year'.

05 December, 2014 Read More

SBI Team at Innovation Showcase 2014

Enterprise Ireland, IDA and SFI jointly hosted the 2014 Innovation Showcase at the Convention Centre, Dublin, 2nd December 2014. Several from the SBI team attended this event.

03 December, 2014 Read More

SBI Do Movember

As the Movember campaign draws to a close the Mo Sistas and Mo Bros of Systems Biology Ireland got together to discuss the Mo Bros donating their upper-lip to raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer, the second most common cancer in males.

01 December, 2014 Read More

Tackling Breast Cancer with a Paddle

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, SBI’s Carolanne Doherty visited the Plurabelle Paddlers, Ireland’s first dragon boat racing team whose members all have one thing in common: they have all been diagnosed with breast cancer.

18 November, 2014 Read More

Researchers on the run

SBI staff joined in the Run in the Dark Dublin event on Wednesday night in aid of the Mark Pollock Trust.

14 November, 2014 Read More

SBI Principal Investigator Prof. Cormac Taylor receives prestigious Nature accolade for inspiring science students

Professor Cormac Taylor has received the 2014 Nature Award for Mentoring in Science at the Science Foundation Ireland’s 2014 Summit. These annual awards are hosted in a different country each year by Nature to champion the importance of mentoring and inspiring a generation of young scientists.

04 November, 2014 Read More

SBI's Des Higgins maktes Nature's Top 10 Most Highly Cited Scientific Publications of All Time

A research paper by Professor Des Higgins of Systems Biology Ireland that set the international standard for DNA sequence analysis is featured in an article published in the latest edition of Nature News on the Top 100 most highly cited research publications of all time.

31 October, 2014 Read More

VIDEO: What We Do

A behind the scenes look at everyday life in Systems Biology Ireland, an institute where laboratory-based researchers and computational modellers work together to understand the mechanisms of disease and identify new therapeutic targets.

28 October, 2014 Read More

National Thesis in 3 Final, co-organised by SBI, attracts sell-out crowd

20 postgraduate students excelled in describing their cutting edge research to a packed house of 250 audience members and judging panel.

23 October, 2014 Read More

SBI and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory sign memorandum of understanding

Professor Iain Mattaj, Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Professor Walter Kolch, Director, Systems Biology Ireland (SBI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the objective of enhancing cooperation between the two institutes.

22 October, 2014 Read More

Cell Signalling: a matter of life and death

Using a combination of molecular biology and mathematical modelling, researchers in SBI and UCD Conway Institute have uncovered how the opposing biological functions of cell proliferation and apoptosis are regulated by the same elements in protein networks.

08 October, 2014 Read More

How protein protection mechanisms aid breast cancer cell migration and other stories from our latest publications

Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. With an estimated 1 in 8 women affected by breast cancer in their lifetime, scientists are urgently trying to find new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to combat this disease and improve patient outcome.

06 October, 2014 Read More

New publications

Brief descriptions of a few of our recent publications.

06 October, 2014 Read More

SBI Take the Ice Bucket Challenge

As the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS (better known in Ireland as motor neuron disease) is currently taking social media by storm, Systems Biology Ireland decided to get in on the action Friday last the 22nd August.

26 August, 2014 Read More

From bench to bedside: the research behind falling cancer mortality rates

Recent mortality statistics reveal that deaths from the four most prevalent cancers in the UK and Ireland have fallen by a third over the last 20 years. We ask two leading breast cancer specialists from UCD to explain the science behind the advances and what to expect in the future.

21 August, 2014 Read More

Ground-Breaking Genome Project Set to Revolutionise Cancer Care

As thousands of NHS patients in Britain are being invited to donate their DNA as part of the 100,000 Genome Project, SBI PhD researcher Carolanne Doherty asks Walter Kolch, Director of SBI, what the implications of this initiative are for Irish healthcare.

04 August, 2014 Read More

UK Charity Awards Alex Von Kriegsheim £200,000 to Study Role of Small Protein In the Development of Breast Cancer

UK cancer research charity Breast Cancer Campaign announced that SBI Research Fellow Dr Alex von Kriegsheim has been awarded a grant of £200,000 to study the role played by a small protein in breast cancer metastasis.

31 July, 2014 Read More

Alex Von Kriegsheim Awarded SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant for €500K Bowel Cancer Project

Research Fellow Dr Alex von Kriegsheim was awarded a SFI Starting Investigator Research Grant as part of €23 million in new funding announced by Minister for Research and Innovation and given to 40 of Ireland’s most promising young research talent.

09 July, 2014 Read More

Des Higgins Features in List of World's Most Influential Scientists

Prof. Des Higgins, Professor of Bioinformatics at the UCD Conway Institute and Principal Investigator at Systems Biology Ireland, has been featured in Thomson Reuters’ list of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds 2014.

01 July, 2014 Read More

Jekyll & Hyde Protein Signalling

Whether a cell lives or dies is determined by complex protein networks within the body. Researchers in Systems Biology Ireland and UCD Conway Institute have uncovered how these opposing biological functions are regulated by the same elements in protein networks.

23 June, 2014 Read More

SBI and EMBL: Exploring Collaborations to Address Big Challenges in Biology

SBI was delighted to welcome distinguished colleagues from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), one of the world’s leading research institutions, in a one-day joint scientific workshop to explore opportunities for future collaborative projects on Monday, 16 June 2014 at UCD.

19 June, 2014 Read More

Colm Ryan Awarded Prestigious Biomedical Fellowship by Wellcome Trust

Dr Colm J. Ryan has been awarded a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship worth €300,000 over four years to work in SBI. Dr Ryan will be the first recipient of this prestigious award, funded under the SFI-HRB-Wellcome Trust Biomedical Research Partnership, to be hosted in an Irish laboratory.

17 June, 2014 Read More

New Guide to Data Interpretation

SBI Deputy Director Prof Boris Kholodenko and team have have created a step-by-step guide to help scientists choose the most appropriate normalisation strategy for their particular study.

17 June, 2014 Read More

The Art of the Start Student Pitch Competition

On Tues, April 28, the students pursuing the MSc in Biotechnology and the MSc in Biotechnology & Business from the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science (SBBS) taught Masters Programmes assembled to deliver their final elevator pitches as part of their Professional Career Development module.

01 May, 2014 Read More

102nd European Study Group With Industry to be Hosted by University College Dublin

ESGI are week-long problem-solving workshops which provide a unique opportunity for interaction between mathematicians, scientists and industry.

12 March, 2014 Read More

Jan Rosier the Art of the Start

On Wednesday the 19th of February, Professor Jan Rosier gave a comprehensive yet succinct overview of five key theories of management that every founder of a life science and healthcare venture should know.

05 March, 2014 Read More

Helen McBreen at the Art of the Start

‘The Art of the Start‘ was delighted to welcome guest speaker Dr Helen McBreen, Commercial Development Leader at NDRC, on Wednesday, 26th of February. Helen currently leads the NDRC’s efforts in finding new investment opportunities for NDRC VentureLab.

28 February, 2014 Read More

Bill Liao - Open Source Synthetic Biology

Bill Liao on his recent visit to SBI drew comparisons between the early years of computers and the current convergence of biology and technology.

13 February, 2014 Read More

John Boland - Speaking Industry's Language

In this latest instalment of “The Art Of The Start”, Prof. John Boland, former Director of CRANN, joined us to share his insights in to how to upscale your institute and tailoring an approach to suit industrial needs.

05 February, 2014 Read More

SBI Principal Investigators Launch Ireland's First Centre for Stem Cell Manufacture in NUI Galway

The Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland (CCMI) was launched at NUI Galway today. It is the first facility in Ireland to receive a licence from the Irish Medicines Board to manufacture culture-expanded stem cells for human use.

27 January, 2014 Read More

SBI Welcomes Bio-Innovators to Dublin to Launch New Facilities

Today, Minister for Research and Innovation, Seán Sherlock TD together with two leading innovators in health research were in Dublin to help launch a new state of the art research facility for Systems Biology Ireland and highlight the possible upcoming breakthroughs in personalised medicine.

05 December, 2013 Read More

An Irish Drug Development Story

In this latest installment of “The Art Of The Start”, Darren Cunningham, CEO of Inflection Biosciences, joined us to share details of the trials and tribulations that he and his team have encountered to date in their start-up journey.

22 November, 2013 Read More

New Research Aims to Hit Inflammation in the Guts

This new study, led by Prof Cormac Taylor, Dr Eoin Cummins and Dr Carsten Scholz and published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, show that hydroxylase inhibitors work by blocking a key pro-inflammatory pathway termed the IL-1 pathway; a key driver of inflammation.

19 November, 2013 Read More

Science in the News: Antibiotic Resistance

Recent research has highlighted the grave medical, environmental and social consequences of antibiotic resistance. The research features in a paper, 'Antibiotic resistance–the need for global solutions', that was published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

19 November, 2013 Read More

What Do Airlines and Systems Biology Have in Common?

Dave O’ Flanagan, CEO and co-founder of Boxever came to the Conway share some of the experiences that he and his team have had during their start-up journey.

02 November, 2013 Read More

Pure Gold from Local Presentation Guru

The latest instalment of The Art Of The Start (TAOTS) featured our local hero and Clearpreso co-founder Ed Fidgeon-Kavanagh.

02 November, 2013 Read More
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