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Ally for UCD Students

Ally for UCD Students

Ally is a new Brightspace feature that allows you to download course materials in the format which best meets your needs. Below is information on the file formats offered by Ally and some suggestions as to how you might like to use them in your studies.

 Alternate format download logo

To Download your notes in an alternative format:

  1. Click the Ally Logo (Alternative formats) beside the material you wish to download.
  2. A list of the possible download options will appear. 
  3. Select the format you would like.
  4. Select download.

Please see the drop-down options below for explanations of the file-types Ally offers and their uses.

This format is particularly well-suited to use with assistive technology. You may wish to download this file-type if you use text-to-speech software such as Read&Write, or a screen reader, such as JAWS.

This is a really helpful option if you are viewing class notes on your tablet or your phone and do not have the specific app for that filetype eg. PowerPoint. By converting to HTML you can view the file in your preferred browser.

This is the file format for an eBook. This means you can read your notes as a book on your tablet, or e-reader of choice.

Using ebooks can be a really good option if you require enlarged text as the majority of e-readers offer custom text selections.

With Ally you can download your notes as a Braille Ready file (BRF) to use with a Refreshable Braille Display, another braille reading device or braille reading software. 

This option converts your file into an MP3 format which you can then listen to on your computer, or transfer it to your mobile device and listen to it on the go. This is a nice way to get away from your desk, to review material on your commute, or to mix up how you are taking in information.

This is a reading app designed to make onscreen reading quicker and easier by using custom colour gradients to guide your eyes.

If you have a Specific Learning Difficulty such as dyslexia, suffer from eyestrain, or have concentration difficulties such as ADD or ADHD, you may wish to try this tool.