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Job Market Candidates 2022/23

Placement Director: Dr Yota Deli


Johannes Scheuerer
Research Interests FDI, International Trade, Applied Microeconometrics
Thesis Title Tax Non-Compliance in a Globalizing World: Economic Consequences and Governments' Countermeasures
Supervisors Prof Ronald Davies
Funding UCD School of Economics Scholarship 
Website (opens in a new window)https://sites.google.com/view/johannesscheuerer/

Mr Michele Gubello
Research Interests Applied Microeconomic Theory, Inequality, Intergenerational transmission, Public Economics, Economics of Education
Thesis Title Essays on Inequality and Public Policies: Theory and Applications
Supervisors Dr Benjamin Elsner and Dr Sarah Parlane
Funding IRC Government of Ireland Scholarship  
Website (opens in a new window)https://sites.google.com/view/michelegubello
Working paper WP22/26 Weakly Progressive: Disproportionate Higher Education Attendance and the Structure of Income Taxes


Ms Lena Susanne Specht
Research Interests International Trade, Migration, Education
Thesis Title Essays in International Trade and Migration
Supervisor Prof Ronald Davies
Funding IRC Government of Ireland Scholarship
Job market paper title International trade effects of student migration
Website (opens in a new window)https://sites.google.com/view/lenaspecht
Working paper WP22/11 International trade effects of student migration

Mr Xidong Guo
Research Interests Applied Game Theory, Applied Microeconomics, Health Economics
Thesis Title Provision of Healthcare: The Road towards a Better System
Supervisor Dr Sarah Parlane 
Funding School of Economics Scholarship, UCD; Young Scholars Funding Programme by Southeast University
Website (opens in a new window)https://sites.google.com/tcd.ie/xidong-guo/home

Contact UCD School of Economics

Newman Building (Room D201) University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: 353 1 716 8335/8188/8505/8272 | Location Map(opens in a new window)