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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Supports

UCD believes in equality, diversity and inclusion and embeds these fairness principles into all aspects of University life. UCD’s vision for EDI is to be a leader and role model in equality and diversity in the higher education sector nationally and internationally, and for EDI to be at the heart of all we do.

For more, please visit: https://www.ucd.ie/equality/

If you have concerns or have experienced harassment on any ground, there are resources available to help.    Students are advised to contact our College Student Advisor, Kieran Moloney at  (01) 716 8366 or kieran.moloney@ucd.ie or the UCD Student Counselling Service on (opens in a new window)(01) 7163134
Staff and students can also contact our School EDI Officer, Dr Alan de Bromhead at (opens in a new window)alan.debromhead@ucd.ie


Dignity and Respect Supports

UCD’s Dignity and Respect Policy sets out the framework for dealing with complaints of bullying and harassment, including sexual harassment. It includes information for dealing with complaints informally as well as information on the formal procedure. It also contains information on the supports available for staff and students.

You can learn more at https://www.ucd.ie/equality/support/dignityrespect/

Gender identity and expression is a positive, core part, of being human and experiencing wellbeing and fulfilment. UCD celebrates its diverse community of employees and students and their diverse gender identities and expression. Fundamental equality and inclusion in UCD’s community is central to our University’s ethos of academic excellence and integrity and our aspiration to be leaders in our society.

For more, please see http://www.ucd.ie/equality/information/policies/genderidentityexpression/

UCD's Code of Practice for the Employment of People with Disabilities sets out to provide a statement of policy and guidance in relation to the employment of people with disabilities. It states that UCD is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities are not disadvantaged by reason of having a disability.

UCD's Gender Balance on Committees policy articulates UCD’s commitment to a minimum gender balance of 40% women and 40% men on all decision making committees (and among their Chairs).

UCD has a range of family friendly policies to support those with caring responsibilities.

Adoptive Leave Policy

The UCD adoptive leave policy serves to ensure that UCD employees are supported before, during and after their adoptive leave, subject to the consolidated Adoptive Leave Acts, further details of which can be found (opens in a new window)here. The School of Economics commits to providing a reduction in teaching and administration in the term following the staff’s return from adoptive leave to ease the transition.

Carers Leave Policy

This policy aims to provide for the temporary absence from employment of employees for the purpose of the provision of full-time care and attention to a person requiring it, while protecting the employee's employment rights. Apart from the entitlements per the official UCD Carers Leave Policy, which can be found (opens in a new window)here, the school of Economics commits to making all reasonable efforts to provide teaching and administrative relief should a staff member require unexpected assistance in carer duties. To facilitate this, all staff are required to maintain current course materials in the School’s Google drive.

Career Break

The University offers a policy to enable faculty and staff to take extended periods of unpaid time away from work, and to help employees strike a balance between paid work and personal life. Further details can be found (opens in a new window)here. The School of Economics commits to making all reasonable efforts to provide teaching and administrative relief in the first term post-return to allow a gradual progression to full duties in accordance with UCD regulations.

Shorter Working Year

This scheme allows faculty and staff to balance their working arrangements with their outside commitments. Under the terms of the scheme, special unpaid leave is available for a period of not less than 2 and not more than 13 consecutive weeks. Staff members have the option of having their reduced pay spread over a 12-month period. Further details can be found here.

Compassionate Leave

Compassionate Leave may be granted to provide staff with time away from work at a time of personal or family need, especially when there is a death in the family. Further details can be found (opens in a new window)here.

Maternity Leave Policy

To ensure that UCD employees are supported before, during and after their maternity leave, all pregnant employees, who reach their twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, are entitled to twenty-six weeks leave. Employees, who are entitled to maternity leave, are also entitled to sixteen weeks additional unpaid leave immediately following their maternity leave. This sixteen-week period is known as additional unpaid maternity leave, with an extended maternity leave allowing for employee taking their maternity leave so late that fewer than four weeks are remaining in the twenty-six-weeks maternity leave, the employee is still obliged to take four weeks leave after the birth of the baby. Further details can be found (opens in a new window)here.

In addition to the UCD policies, the School of Economics provides the following additional arrangements in relation to maternity leave:

Before maternity leave
  • The School will normally provide reduced teaching and administrative load in the term before maternity leave starts to support the health and wellbeing of the expectant mothers and facilitate time for research. To support this we will normally substitute teaching arrangements where necessary.
  • If a teaching reduction prior to maternity leave is not possible, we will plan for normal and emergency scenarios by scheduling teaching replacement at least one month before the expected due date.
  • The staff member will meet with the Head of School prior to maternity leave to confirm supervision coverage of PhD students.
  • The staff member will meet with the Head of School prior to maternity leave to confirm the degree of contact they wish to have with the School while on leave.

During maternity leave
  • During maternity leave, the staff member will retain normal access to all School resources (including funding).
  • The staff member is exempt from all administrative duties while on maternity leave.
  • The staff member is exempt from all teaching while on maternity leave, including supervision.
After maternity leave
  • Returning staff will normally have a teaching and administration reduction in the term following return from maternity leave.
  • Preference will be giving to returning staff in allocating teaching and administration following the return from maternity leave.
  • The School will provide refrigeration/other necessary equipment to nursing staff.

Paternity Leave Policy

Paternity leave seeks to support those with parental caring responsibilities to balance their work and family life. It also encourages a more equitable sharing of parental responsibilities to allow for more equality of opportunity in the workplace. Further details of the UCD Paternity Leave Policy can be found (opens in a new window)here.
The School of Economics provides for a teaching and administration reduction in the term following the return of staff from paternity leave.

Force Majeure Leave

A member of staff shall be entitled to leave with pay for urgent family reasons, for example, an injury or illness of a child, spouse/partner, brother or sister, parent or grandparent.
Further details of which can be found here.

Support for Employees taking Family- Related Leave

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the University’s commitment to supporting those returning from maternity/adoptive leave and those returning from carers leave, through a variety of measures, to enable them to continue to develop their careers. Supporting parents and carers is also a commitment that the University has made in its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy. The principle can be briefly put as follows:

  • To encourage open and constructive communication before, during and after maternity/adoptive and carers leave as appropriate
  • To create an inclusive culture whereby people continue to feel valued if they take family - related leave
  • To encourage and facilitate the uptake of family related leave by all genders
  • To ensure individuals experience a level playing field in terms of opportunities and that those returning from maternity/adoptive/carers leave are not disadvantaged in any way as a result of this leave
  • To put supports in place that facilitates the transition of the employee back into the workplace and re-establish their careers
  • To recognise the contribution of all employees, including those availing of family leave
  • To adhere to the principles of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy and support the achievement of the UCD Strategy and EDI Strategy
  • To comply with legal responsibilities 

Further details can be found (opens in a new window)here.

Flexi-Time Working Policy

The main purpose of this scheme is to provide a more flexible system of attendance for staff (excludes Faculty), within certain defined limits. Please note that flexi-time is different from “flexible working arrangements” which also exist in the University. Flexible working arrangements include part-time working, job sharing, working greater hours during peak periods and reduced hours during slower times, working remotely/from home; which are not recorded on a flexi-time system and thus do not involve staff building up hours where they can take a “flexi-day” leave.
Further details can be found (opens in a new window)here.

Job Sharing Policy

The purpose of job sharing is to allow staff (excluding faculty) to opt for a more flexible working arrangement for a temporary/indefinite period of time in order to facilitate the balancing of work with other commitments. We recognise that people should be able to continue their career and welcome the opportunity to use their skills on a part-time basis. Job sharing is a way two people voluntarily share the duties of one post between them. Further information is provided (opens in a new window)here: Job Sharing for Non-Academic Staff Policy and Job Sharing for Technical Staff Policy.

Core Meeting Hours Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all School meetings take place during core meeting hours, defined as the hours between 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday, as part of a range of actions intended to support a family-friendly working environment. Further details can be found  (opens in a new window)here.
Out of Hours Email Policy
This policy is designed to promote employee wellbeing by demonstrating the importance of recovery time away from work and support other policies such as Core Meeting Hours which promote a family-friendly working environment. As in UCD, the School of Economics is committed to "no check" email norm wherein there is no
expectation that staff check email outside of core hours. Further details can be found  (opens in a new window)here.
School Social Event Policy
In order to further support and foster a sense of community within the School of Economics, a number of social events take place each year, including for example, Christmas parties, start and end of year events, etc. The School will normally provide a four-week notice of any events taking place off campus and/or outside of core hours to facilitate those with caring duties and other commitments.

Further details on these supports can be found on UCD HR website at  https://www.ucd.ie/hr/leaveabsence/
The University’s Recruitment and Selection Policy ensures that our resourcing of staff is fair, rigorous and transparent. It is the Policy of University College Dublin to ensure that the best candidate for the job is selected. All decisions relating to recruitment and selection must be consistent with the criteria outlined for the post. Commitment to this principle of appointment on merit reflects the University's Policy on Equal Opportunities. More details can be found at on UCD HR website at  https://www.ucd.ie/hr/resourcing/

As set out in its strategy, UCD values excellence and understands that  excellent performance requires excellent people working in a supportive environment.  The strategy states that:

“UCD will continue to attract excellent and diverse students, faculty and staff from around Ireland  and around the world, and will put in place appropriate support measures to develop and retain  the members of our community”.

UCD HR details the relevant information on their website at https://www.ucd.ie/hr/promotions/

Employee Relations

The University employs an Employee Relations and Policy Manager who works with colleagues from across the university to enhance a progressive and collaborative Employee Relations culture. They provide supportive, solution-focused practices for managers and employees, aiming to make UCD an employer of choice.

(opens in a new window)Protected Disclosures Policy
The purpose of the Protected Disclosures Policy is to encourage an employee within the University to make a disclosure of any potential wrongdoing of which they become aware and for the University to provide protection for the person making the disclosure. This policy provides guidelines as to how and to whom a Protected Disclosure should be made.


UCD is committed to the promotion of an environment which fosters mutual respect and understanding between individuals and its constituent communities. Mediation is a framework for resolving conflict in an informal manner which is impartial and objective and aims to resolve conflict at the earliest opportunity.
More information at http://www.ucd.ie/equality/support/mediation/

Wellbeing, Training, and Development

UCD Employee Assistance Service

Staff and Student Support

If any student or member of staff in the School of Economics has concerns about or are experiencing bullying, harassment, or discrimination there are a number of people they can approach for assistance in confidence and with discretion: The thought of reporting an instance of bullying or harassment can seem daunting and isolating. If you are considering initiating the complaints process, we recommend you consult the UCD Dignity and Respect Process flowchart for a transparent overview of the steps involved. This will help to ensure you know everything you need to feel confident about approaching one of our contact people.

Performance for Growth

Performance for Growth (P4G) is the UCD framework that provides the opportunity for all employees to have at least one annual conversation with their line manager, Head of School or alternate reviewer, within which: achievements and challenges of the previous year are reflected on and feedback is provided; goals and objectives for the coming year are agreed; a development plan, if required, is discussed and agreed; career aspirations are explored and supported where possible.
The Performance for Growth Policy can be found at  https://www.ucd.ie/peopledevelopment/p4g/
Training and Development Policy

The University recognises that lifelong learning is essential for developing individual careers and for dealing the with demands of an increasingly complex and changing work and societal environment. Our aim is to support individuals and groups to address some of these challenges through the provision of a comprehensive development portfolio. More information here on the (opens in a new window)HR Training and Development (opens in a new window)Policy.

Contact UCD School of Economics

Newman Building (Room D201) University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: 353 1 716 8335/8188/8505/8272 | Location Map(opens in a new window)