This section provides information for employees wishing to advertise, interview and select new employees along with information on changing contractual tems and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) associated with the hiring process.
Most searched

Core funded roles - Advertising, interviewing, appointing & more

Research funded posts - Advertising, interviewing, appointing and more
- Research funded resourcing (Policy)
- (opens in a new window)Online Hiring Forms (InfoHub)
- Research Careers Framework
- Skilled Resource Pool
- Job Descriptions
- Advertising a job
- Interview & Selection
- Onboarding Information
- Salaries & Salary Changes
- Changing grant codes
- Changing hours on a contract
- Ending a Research Funded contract
- Resourcing consultants
- Routes to Research Fellow

Resourcing related topics
- Interview Scheduler
- Preparing for interview (Work at UCD site)
- Getting to interview (Work at UCD site)
- Garda Vetting
- Eligibility to compete
- Work Permits
- Service Level Agreements
- Resourcing Consultants
- Secondments
- Relocation
- Online or hybrid interviews
- Leaving UCD
- (opens in a new window)Training videos for hiring managers