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Sick Leave

Page updated 14 October 2024

In line with the rest of the public sector, UCD operates a sick pay scheme for staff that are absent due to injury or ill health.

The continuing provision of UCD sick pay arrangements is conditional on all employees complying with this policy, and cooperating with any measures to facilitate their return to work.

This section contains the following information regarding the scheme:

Quick Guide to Sick Leave


Role of Employee
(Academic, Technical, Research, Professional & Support)

Role of Line/School/Unit Manager

Role of Sick Leave Admin

First day of absence and each day thereafter

Inform your line manager of your absence within 2 hours of usual start time. Indicate the likely duration of absence if known, and if sick leave will be certified or self-certified. 

*If self-certified, immediately on return to work, you should complete a Self-Certified Sick Leave Form and submit it to your Line Manager.

Inform Sick Leave Administrator of employee's absence.

Ensure the employee is supported as per the responsibilities of UCD sick leave policy.

Advise relevant HR Partner of any absences greater than 4 weeks or for absences due to ‘stress or anxiety’.

Record absence in CoreHR/PXD as soon as possible.

If no certificate is supplied, record initially as self-certified leave.

Sickness certificate requirements

Where your sick leave period extends beyond 2 days, sickness must be certified by a Medical Professional in order for you to be eligible for sick pay as per the rules of the ordinary sick leave scheme.

Check Medical Certificate Requirements Scenariosif you are unsure when you need a cert.

By day 3, send the certificate to your Line Manager. Continue to supply certificates for the duration of your absence as per the UCD sick leave policy. (Scan & photograph copies accepted).

Monitor the timeframe and expiry of certificates.

Send certificates to Sick Leave Administrator in a timely manner.

Advise if employee is part-time, job sharing (and work pattern) or on probation.

Record absence in CoreHR/PXD.

Forward certificates along with employee's Personnel Number to (opens in a new window)sickleave@ucd.ie

Advise if employee is part-time, job sharing (and work pattern) or on probation.

Claiming Illness Benefit (Social Welfare)

Employees on PRSI Class A (check payslip) must make a claim for illness benefit to the Department of Employment Affairs & Social Protection (DEASP) where sick leave absence exceeds 3 consecutive days.

You can also apply for illness benefit online at (opens in a new window)www.mywelfare.ie if you have a verified MyGovID account and your doctor has provided a medical certificate or alternatively, a paper form, called and IB1, can be obtained from your doctor.

Remind employee to apply for illness benefit, if applicable.

When recording sick leave greater than 3 days, confirm with Line Manager that illness benefit has been applied for by the employee.

Long-Term Absence

Maintain regular contact with your Line Manager, including the submission of medical certificates on an ongoing basis.

Attend Occupational Health appointments as requested by HR per UCD sick leave policy.

Liaise with UCD HR Sick Leave team regarding further entitlements to CIP or TRR.  

Check-in with employee regularly.

Monitor the submission of certificates and follow up on an ongoing basis. Ensure that medical certificates are sent to your Sick Leave administrator.

Continue to support employee as per responsibilities of UCD sick leave policy.

Continue to record absences in CoreHR/PXD.

Return to Work

If you have taken self-certified sick leave, you should complete a Self Certified Sick Leave Form and submit it to your Head of School/Unit or Line Manager.

If you have an open illness benefit claim with DEASP, ensure your final certificate from your doctor is ticked as ‘final’ or contact (opens in a new window)closemyibclaim@welfare.ie to notify of your return to work.

Verify amount of self-certified sick leave taken in the last two years (InfoHub manager dashboard), and review/sign form and send to Sick Leave Administrator.

Ensure sick leave is recorded correctly as per the form and forward to (opens in a new window)sickleave@ucd.ie

Sick Leave Policy

The policy clarifies the roles and responsibilities of Employees, Heads of School/Units/Line Managers and UCD HR in the effective management of attendance. It also clearly sets out the functions of the Occupational Health Provider and the Employee Assistance Service in assisting the University to support staff wellbeing.

Read  (opens in a new window)the Sick Leave Policy here.

Employee Assistance Service

The UCD (EAS) is a 24/7 free and confidential support service designed to assist you in dealing more effectively with any personal or work-related problems you might be facing. The service is operated confidentially by Spectrum.Life, the largest provider of employee health and wellness services in Ireland.

The service can be used by a UCD employee, their spouse, civil partner and dependents where the family member can be described as over the age of 18 and residing in the family home.

  • Freephone 1800 814 243 (Ire)
  • WhatsApp & SMS: Text 'Hi' to 087 369 0010
  • Email: eap@spectrum.life

Contact HR Operations - Sick Leave

HR Operations have a dedicated channel (separate from the HR Helpdesk) for the management of all sick leave-related issues and queries. This dedicated channel for employees and managers limits access to queries to only those specifically involved in the management of sick leave and supports the importance of data privacy.

(opens in a new window)sickleave@ucd.ie

+ 353-1-716-4900

Roebuck Offices,
UCD Belfield Campus.

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)