Joyce McLoughlin
Director - HR Partnering, People and Organisation Development
(Interim Director)
(Interim Director)
(On Leave)
HR Partner - UCD College of Engineering & Architecture, VP for Research, Innovation & Impact
HR Partner - UCD College of Health & Agricultural Sciences, SBI, NVRL & MBRS (School of Public Health, Physiotherapy, Sports Science refer to Shane Gorey)
HR Partner - College of Science
HR Partner - Office of the President, Academic Affairs, Vice-President for Strategy and External Engagement, Vice-President for Sustainability, Vice-President for Global Engagement, UCD China Joint Colleges
HR Partner - UCD College of Arts & Humanities, UCD Human Resources, SIRC & Legal, UCD Agile
HR Partner - UCD College of Social Sciences & Law
HR Partner - College of Business, Bursar / VP Finance, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy, Sports Science
On Leave
On Leave