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Annual Leave

Page updated 3 September 2024

All employees, whether they are full-time, part-time or temporary are entitled to time away from the workplace for the purposes of rest and relaxation.  Below you can learn more about your entitlements, the processes surrounding the taking of leave and details of public holidays and christmas closures. You will also find answers to a range of Frequently Asked Questions and a summary of the Annual Leave Policy.

Annual Leave Policy

The purpose of this document is to ensure that UCD employees are adequately informed of their annual leave entitlements. This policy sets out the annual leave arrangements for employees of the University in detail by grade and category. 

This annual leave policy applies to all UCD employees who are in receipt of a salary under a permanent contract, a contract of indefinite duration (CID), or a fixed-term contract as defined in the Protection of Employees (Fixed Term Work) Act 2003 and those who are entitled to benefit under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997.

Key features:

  • Total leave = Annual leave entitlement (4 days must be kept for Christmas) + Public Holidays + Good Friday.
  • The annual leave year runs for 12 months from 1 January until 31 December each year.
  • Small amounts of leave can only be carried over with permission of Head of School / Unit.

Review the (opens in a new window)Annual Leave Policy now.

This section contains a summary of a UCD policy, however, in all cases the Policy remains the definitive source of information on the topic.

Process for taking Annual Leave

  • Step 1: Read the university's Annual Leave Policy 
  • Step 2: Request Annual leave in advance from your Head of School / Head of Unit / Principal Investigator
  • Step 3: Record Annual leave taken. 
  • Step 4: Ensure 4 days of annual leave are kept for Christmas closure (details in the Policy).


Annual leave updates

In 2022, an extra once-off public holiday took place on Friday, 18 March.

From 2023, there will be a new annual public holiday in early February to mark St Brigid’s Day. The public holiday will be the first Monday in February, except where St Brigid’s day (1 February) happens to fall on a Friday, in which case that Friday 1 February will be a public holiday.

Creating standard terms & conditions

As part of its reform programme for the Public Service, the Government decided, that insofar as possible, there should be standard terms and conditions of employment  across the Public Service.

An agreement on revised annual leave arrangements between Public Service Management and the Public Services Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions from 2011 originally set out revised annual leave entitlements for existing staff and for staff that are promoted or newly recruited.  This Agreement was translated (following a binding Labour Court decision) into a Department of Education and Skills Circular (DES Annual Leave Circular) issued on January 31st, 2014 (.PDF – UCD Intranet).

Who is covered by these changes?

The DES Circular covers revised annual leave arrangements for all staff employed in UCD other than lecturing staff.  The associated changes to UCD’s Annual Leave Policy will therefore apply to all staff in these categories. The implementation date for revised Annual Leave arrangements as set out in the DES Circular is 7 January 2014.

I am a current member of staff (in my current grade since before 7 January 2014). So what does this mean for me?

If you are in your current grade before 7 January 2014, you will maintain your existing annual leave allowance while you remain in your current grade as set out in the DES Circular (26 or 27 days depending on your grade). You will be required to ensure that you retain 4 of these days as leave for the Christmas period as UCD will close for 4 working days in addition to the 3 Public Holidays.

I started working in UCD after 7 January 2014. How much leave am I entitled to?

You will be placed on the new standardised annual leave band and depending on your grade, your leave entitlement will be in the 22-30 day range.  Please refer to the tables as set out under the UCD  (for New Staff or Existing Staff promoted after January 7 2014). You will be required to ensure that you retain 4 of these days as leave for the Christmas period as UCD will close for 4 working days in addition to the 3 Public Holidays.

Why is the annual leave entitlement different for existing staff (as of 7 January 2014) and new staff / promoted staff at the same grade?

The DES Annual Leave Circular of January 31 2014 is based on a binding Labour Court recommendation on annual leave for the Education Sector.  The Circular deals separately with annual leave arrangements for existing staff and for new or promoted staff (as of 7 January 2014). While different leave arrangements will apply for staff on the same grade (depending on whether they are existing or new/promoted), UCD has had no option but to implement the Circular as set out.

  • Section 8 of the Circular provides that concession days should be consolidated into the basic annual entitlement for existing staff.  These have now been incorporated into an overall annual leave entitlement of 26-27 days.
  • Sections 12 to 15 of the Circular provide that the annual leave for new or promoted staff in UCD from 7 January 2014 will be determined by an appropriate grade alignment with the local authorities.  This total annual leave figure for each grade is to be inclusive of concession days.
What happens to my annual leave entitlement if I am promoted after 7 January 2014 to a permanent position?

You will be placed on the new standardised annual leave band and depending on your promoted grade, your leave entitlement will be in the 23-30 day range.  It is important to note, that as a consequence of the DES Circular, this could mean a reduction in leave for existing staff promoted after 7 January 2014 as follows:

  • Existing Executive Assistant (or equivalent grades) to SEA: From 26 days to 23
  • Existing Senior Executive Assistant (or equivalent grades) to AO II: From 26 days to 25

For those staff members who at any time in the future lose annual leave days on promotion, the DES Circular sets out a standard compensation mechanism.  Time off will be calculated at 1.5 times the annual loss and this will apply on a once off basis on promotion.

What happens to my annual leave if I am promoted from EA to SEA as an example?

For those staff members who at any time in the future lose annual leave days on promotion, the DES Circular sets out a standard compensation mechanism.  Time off will be calculated at 1.5 times the annual loss and this will apply on a once off basis on promotion. Therefore, in the example of the promotion of a current member of staff from EA to SEA – he/she will be given 4.5 days annual leave or 1.5 times x 3 days on a once-off basis as compensation.

What happens to my annual leave entitlement if I am promoted after 7 January 2014 on a temporary basis?

In this case, you will retain the annual leave attached to your substantive (original – permanent or fixed term) post.

Frequently Asked Questions

For information annual leave during COVID-19 please see the employee FAQ.

Leave will be pro-rata for all part time staff.

Although Good Friday is not a public holiday, this will continue to be an additional leave day for all UCD staff.

Your annual leave entitlement is outlined in your contract of employment.

Manual grades Laboratory Attendants and Facility Assistants.

Existing UCD staff on Administrative grades who commenced on a permanent basis before October 1990 continue to retain 5 additional days on a personal to holder basis as prior to this, the University closed for Easter. It is 4 additional days on the same basis for staff on Technical Officer grades. The maximum entitlement is 32 days annual leave for current staff.

Contact the HR Helpdesk

The HR Helpdesk is the primary point of contact for all your employment-related queries by email and telephone.  We are here to help you with any queries on employee benefits, terms & conditions and HR policies & procedures. If we can’t help you directly, we will refer your query to a HR specialist area.

All visitors to UCD HR, Roebuck offices should be by appointment only and arrangements to be made with specific HR staff members.

(opens in a new window)hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie

+ 353-1-716-4900

Roebuck Offices,
UCD Belfield Campus.

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)