ME Management (Food Engineering) PT (T320)

For more information on this programme, see: ME Management (Food Engineering).

The production and manufacture of food and drink products is Ireland’s most important indigenous industry with an annual turnover approaching €24 billion. Almost 50,000 people are directly employed in the food and drink sector with a further 60,000 employed indirectly in all regions of the country. With an ever increasing and diverse population in Ireland, the volumes and diversity of the food and drink consumed has also changed and presented new challenges in terms of increased production and quality management. As a consequence, there is also increased industry emphasis on ensuring a highly trained and motivated work force to manage this expansion.

This programme is aimed at professional engineering, science and technology candidates who wish to develop their knowledge around the scientific and technological aspects of food manufacturing/processing with an understanding of the underlying management issues. This programme will be of particular interest to people who may currently be in a production or technical role but who wish to advance to a more senior management role and progress their careers as engineers or managers in the food and beverage industries.

Curricular information is subject to change

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•    Acquire conceptual and practical skills that will enable them to operate at the highest level in the global food and beverage sector, drawing on the food engineering, business and human sciences aspects of the programme.

•    Gain a deep understanding of the world of food engineering management by covering a wide range of food engineering and business topics, from unit operations to quality management and corporate entrepreneurship.

•    Identify and understand the scientific underpinning of technology for food production and processing.

•    Learn best practices in human and organisational behaviour which are key to improving organisational effectiveness.

•    Equip themselves with the tools and techniques to deal professionally with the areas of innovation and technological development.

•    Communicate effectively to a scientific/non-scientific audience.


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