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Earth Sciences Grace Fitzgerald

My Earth Sciences Experience - Grace Fitzgerald

Earth Sciences is such a diverse and exciting field of study. The creation and destruction of the Earth beneath our feet, strange creatures preserved in rock and ancient catastrophic events are among a few of the things I find fascinating about it. I was always interested in Science but found it very difficult to pinpoint a specific area within it to study at 3rd level. UCD Science became a clear first choice for me because of the wide range of pathways it offered, and it was through this open pathway that I discovered my love of Earth Science. 

In Earth Sciences, field work is an essential component, which is so different to a classroom learning environment. I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Almeria in Spain to study the geological evolution of mountain belts. On a field trip you’re out immersed in the Earth Sciences of the area for the full day and then return in the evening to your accommodation for a well deserved feed, and a summary of what you’ve studied that day. Each and every day you discover something new about the history of Earth which makes each journey out so worthwhile. You get the opportunity to see evidence for the evolution of life, the tectonic and volcanic history of the Earth and so much more. With a degree in Earth Sciences you learn so much about how wonderfully dynamic the planet we live on is and are tasked with gathering your own data and forming an understanding of how to robustly justify interpretations from day one. This is an essential skill for the workplace and has served my well in my career so far.

I leveraged my degree in Earth Sciences to get a role as a project coordinator in the Offshore Wind Industry. Working in an industry that is constantly taking strives towards a greener future for Ireland is so exciting for me. My geoscience background was an asset to my employer due to my ability to understand the importance of the energy transition within the context of the climate crisis we are facing. On a given day I could be travelling to meet people in the community, developing workshops for schools or contributing to technical decisions as part of our team. 

UCD College of Science

Room E1.09/E2.09 UCD O'Brien Centre for Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
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