Last updated 16th April 2024
Louise Bloomfield, HRIS Analyst, FinPOST
Tell me about yourself?
Dia dhuit! my name is Louise and I have worked in UCD since 2006. Before joining UCD my background was in hospitality management and then IT. I am based in the HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) team and work to support the optimisation of HR systems and related business processes.
What project are you working on? Tell us a little bit about it?
I am currently on secondment working on the Finance Programme for Operations and Services Transformation (FinPOST) programme, leading the HR workstream. The programme aims to transform the finance function in UCD, creating a better experience for the entire community. A key enabler for the transformation is the implementation of a new best-in-class finance system, Workday.
What is your role on the Project? What element are you working on?
My role in the programme is to act as a key liaison between HR and relevant programme workstreams and provide the subject matter expertise on our current HR system - PeopleXD (formerly called CoreHR). Like most organisations, there are many interdependencies between the HR and Finance functions. These encompass vital areas such as staff planning, resourcing, position management, payroll, and employee identity management.
In working to achieve a successful transition I collaborate closely with my programme colleague Siobhán Dunne (FinPOST Project Leader for the Integrations workstream) and Mark Hargeden (Mark Hargaden - Senior IT Project Manager, EAG) as well as all the key HR business stakeholders.
What do you enjoy most about working on this project?
I'm thrilled to be working on this critical project that will transform the finance user experience for the entire UCD community. It's incredibly inspiring to collaborate with such skilled and experienced colleagues on this mission. Being more centrally located on the Belfield campus too is great, even if it does mean spending more money on a few more fancy coffees!
If you have any questions about University CRM, please do not hesitate to contact the programme team by emailing (opens in a new window)