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People in Focus - Martin Hurley

Last Updated 16th January 2024

Martin Hurley - Admissions Business Lead, University CRM

Tell me about yourself? 

My name is Martin Hurley and I have been working in UCD since 1998. Initially, I was involved primarily in schools’ liaison activities and the processing of non-EU undergraduate applications. In 2008, I was appointed to lead the then newly established Online Applications Unit. The administration and ongoing development of the UCD Applications System has been my primary area of responsibility since then. Notable recent developments include the establishment of an online RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) applications system in 2019 and subsequent enhancements to this system in the following years. In 2023, I joined the University CRM project as the Admissions Lead.

Tell us a bit more about University CRM? 

The goal of the project is to implement a customer relations management system, utilising the Salesforce platform, which encompasses the prospective student journey, from marketing and recruitment through to admission.

One of the key areas of the project revolves around the creation of a new applications system. Our current in-house system has been in place since 2013 and, though a number of enhancements have been introduced in the intervening years, we have reached a stage where, to keep pace with international best practice, we need to leverage the expertise of the market leaders in the field. Visiting the University CRM website is a great way to learn more about the project and keep up-to-date with the latest developments.

What is your role on the project? What elements are you working on? 

I am the Admissions Lead on the project, so my focus is on the design, development, and implementation of the new applications system. The aim is to both retain the best elements of the existing system while looking for ways to enhance and improve the current processes to ensure that all users, both external and internal, are presented with a world class product and experience.

What do you enjoy the most about working on this project? 

Having the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from a wide range of backgrounds, both internal to and external from UCD, in pursuit of a common goal and the potential to create something that will be of benefit to the University for many years to come.