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Update from Chair of UMT SG - May 2022

Update from UMT SG Chair - May 2022

Last updated May 2022

At a number of the meetings with Units and Colleges hosted by myself, Professor Barbara Dooley and Professor Orla Feely, we covered the Programme for Operations and Services Transformation. I gave an update on the programme and addressed many of the questions raised. Conscious that not everyone was at these meetings, I would like to summarise where we are now and outline the next steps to be taken.

The purpose of the Programme is to improve the processes and systems we use to support our teaching, research, student and staff services. UCD, like every other university, is a complex organisation with multi-layered systems and processes that have been developed over time to provide control and uniformity. However, the downside is that systems and processes can stifle effectiveness and slow down decision-making.

The Programme for Operations and Services Transformation will prioritise and implement projects identified by staff throughout the University, that improve, remove, or simplify the processes and systems we use in our work. Consequently, many of the current “pain points” will be eliminated and we will be able to concentrate on more meaningful work, resulting in better service for students and colleagues and greater job satisfaction for everyone providing the services.

Given the scale of the programme, UMT will take responsibility for the governance and strategic direction and the newly established UMT Services Group will be accountable for the implementation and the outcomes of the project work streams.

In order to enable this transformation, we will introduce a common workflow and service integration technical platform. This will be designed to improve, integrate and join up the processes and systems identified by the University community.

Some of you have already taken part in workshops to gather insights from you. Next week two further update sessions will take place - May 25, 2022 2pm-4pm and May 26, 2022 10am - 12 noon - at which you can put forward your views on what the platform needs to deliver.  The platform’s purpose is to empower people to be their most effective so I would encourage you to attend one of the sessions.

Work has begun to identify projects and you will be able to join in this process over the coming weeks and months. Project ideas will be assessed on the basis of benefits criteria, that will in turn prioritise them along the programme timeframe.

As the transformation programme prepares to get underway, the Services Group will put in place supports for those implementing the selected projects as well as training for everyone who uses the new systems and processes.

Professor Mark Rogers, Acting President