Charles Institute Seminar Series 2023-24: Scabs & microbiota in wound healing with Guest Speaker Dr Elena Conde-Montero
Date of Talk: Wednesday 29 May 2024 @ 12pm
Location: In-Person & Online Via Zoom
Talk Title: Scabs & microbiota in wound healing
Speaker Details: Dr Elena Conde-Montero
Dermatology Consultant, Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor , Virgen de la Torre Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
Short Biography:
Dr Conde-Montero graduated in Medicine from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2009, and currently works as a Consultant Dermatologist in Madrid since 2014 as a dermatologist interested in wound healing. She obtained a PhD in 2016 from Universidad Complutense de Madrid for a thesis: “Validation of a new method of obtaining platelet-rich plasma for its application in chronic skin
ulcers”. During her residency in Dermatology and Venereology, Dr Conde-Montero also was awarded a degree in Psychology, with specialization in Clinical Psychology from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.
Abstract for talk:
In the world of wound healing there are many treatment rituals without scientific evidence and many unsustainable and eco-responsible practices, usually based on maintaining a moist wound environment. This talk will present the observation in daily clinical practice of the benefits of the use of alginate and zinc oxide and the maximum spacing of dressing changes with the aim of simulating physiological scabs, modifying as little as possible the cellular and microbial environment of wounds that are going well. Since observation is the first step of the scientific method, the aim of this presentation is to inspire the design of studies to evaluate the real benefit of this strategy and to optimise it.