Charles Seminar Series 2021-22: Extracellular Vesicles: Integrators of Homeostasis, Lessons from Pigmentation, with Guest Speaker Dr Graca Raposo, Charles Seminar Room and Online via Zoom.
Date of Talk: November 10th 2021 at 12PM
Location: Charles Seminar Room and Online via Zoom.
Talk Title: Extracellular Vesicles: Integrators of Homeostasis, lessons pigmentation
Speaker Details: Graça Raposo PhD, Institut Curie Department of Cell Biology & Cancer, Paris, France
Short Biography: Graça Raposo received her PhD in 1989 at the Univ. Paris VII. From 1990-1995 she post- doc’ed in the Immunology Center, Marseille and Department of Cell Biology, Utrecht University.She is a team leader in the Dept of Cell Biology and Cancer and for over 7yrs has been Director of Training unit at Institut Curie, Paris. Graça Raposo is a pioneer and leader in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of Extracellular Vesicles, Exosomes, Microvesicles and Lysosome-related Organelle biogenesis. She conducted research to decipher mechanisms underlying melanosome biogenesis (pigment granules of skin melanocytes) and is an internationally-renowned expert in imaging and electron microscopy. Distinctions: CNRS Silver Medal, Descartes Huygens Price, Royal Dutch Academy, EMBO member, ISEV achievement award and Raymond Castaing Prize. Current research: Functions of Extracellular Vesicles and their particular cargo, as key players in intercellular communication.
Abstract for talk: Extracellular vesicles (EVs) comprise a heterogeneous group of cell-derived membrane structures, collectively called exosomes, ectosomes, prostasomes, microparticles, oncosomes or microvesicles. They originate from the endosomal system and are secreted after
fusion of endosomes with the plasma membrane (features of exosomes) or are shed from the plasma membrane (Microvesicles and others). EVs are present in biological fluids and are involved in multiple physiological and pathological processes. EVs constitute a mechanism for intercellular communication, allowing cells to exchange proteins, lipids and genetic material influencing on cellular functions. Knowledge of the cellular processes that govern extracellular
vesicle biology is essential to shed light on the physiological and pathological functions of these vesicles as well as on clinical applications involving their use and/or analysis. We now know more about the origin, biogenesis, secretion, targeting and fate of these vesicles, and how to modulate their function in vivo. However, there are still many unknowns. Our team initially focused on immune cells and more recently pigment cells of the skin to get further insights into
EV biology and functions. We show that EVs and their cargo are key players in intercellular communication in skin, regulating skin in health and disease.
If you are UCD-affiliated or a Consultant Dermatologist in Ireland and would like to register for this talk, please email