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Create your ORCID ID


(opens in a new window)ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is a unique, persistent digital ID number that distinguishes you from every other researcher and contributor, and helps to link all your professional activities and publications. ORCID is a non-profit, community-driven organisation and is available free of charge. You can use your ORCID account to record and manage your research outputs and activities. Sharing your ORCID profile link can help promote your research by providing a comprehensive picture of your research outputs, activities and researcher profile.

If you happen to have (opens in a new window)more than one account, you should remove any duplicate accounts and consolidate your outputs and activities into your preferred profile.

LibGuide! See UCD Library's (opens in a new window)ORCID Libguide for more information. You can register for an ORCID (opens in a new window)here.

Linking to your UCD profile

Using ORCID helps increase the visibility of your research, by ensuring that you receive credit for your work and contributions, and that your research outputs are correctly attributed to you. ORCID integrates with the systems of many publishers, databases, and funders, as well as UCD’s RMS Profiles, helping you to collate, identify, and track your research outputs and other activities across platforms.

As UCD is an ORCID Member Organisation, UCD researchers can link their RMS profile with their ORCID to identify, import and export their publications and outputs. Configuring ORCID in RMS Profiles is quick and easy. Simply click on the “Add your ORCID ID” link on the homepage:

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Promote Your Research was created by UCD Research and UCD Library. Copyright © 2022 UCD.