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May 2024 Update

wild flowers, blooming

Message from the Director

Last updated May 22nd 2024

Dear Colleagues, 

As I write, we are at that moment in our 2023/24 academic year which sees exams just ending, the peak grading season upon us, research success in the newspapers, second level 5th years about to come on campus for summer schools, all the work that makes these things possible happening as we speak, summer holidays shining on the horizon, the preparations for next September ramping up. Just another May, I hear you say.

It is a good time to reflect on key activities and achievements, with updates this month highlighting some ongoing work aimed at freeing up time for staff and faculty alike.

This month, we talked with Culture and Engagement Specialist, Paul Fitzgerald about the Employee Engagement and Communications platform project(opens in a new window) UCD Workvivo.

Be sure also to visit the platform for regular updates on transformation initiatives and other interesting updates across the University .  

As usual, if  you have any questions or comments, be sure to contact us at ucdpostpmo@ucd.ie



Projects in Focus

People in Focus - Paul Fitzgerald

People in Focus - Paul Fitzgerald

The new Employee Engagement and Internal Communications platform ‘UCD Workvivo’ was successfully launched on May 8th 2024. In this issue, we talk to Paul Fitzgerald about his involvement in this transformational project. 

Tell me about yourself?

Hi all! My name is Paul Fitzgerald and I'm currently working as an engagement specialist in Culture & Engagement.

My role is pretty varied, to put it mildly. I find my time divided between engagement events, community building initiatives, developing internal communications and more 'traditional' HR activities like policy development and process design.

I have over 20 years experience working in HR roles from resourcing to people development. Prior to UCD, I worked in graphic design, web design and e-learning.

What project are you working on? Tell us a little bit about it?

At the moment, my biggest project is probably the introduction and embedding of (opens in a new window)UCD Workvivo. This new platform allows colleagues to go from passive recipients of broadcast emails to actively engaging, commenting and collaborating.  It's a massive change to the way we handle internal communications but the level of conversation and sharing of information I've seen already suggests it is being embraced pretty quickly.

What is your role on the Project?

My role is in designing most aspects of the look of the platform (A nice, upbeat yellow for starters), building communities, creating posting guides and helping owners get the most from their spaces.

What do you enjoy most about working on this project?

This project really leans into the skills I've acquired across my many other jobs. I am getting to jump between shooting / editing videos, making animations, designing graphics, interpreting analytics and creating tutorials and guides.

For years, the emphasis has been on 'the student experience' but I'm trying to replicate this as much as I can on the employee side with clubs and community building activities aimed at our staff. (opens in a new window)UCD Workvivo provides me with a great platform to build communities and bring people together from very different fields.