The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University College Dublin (UCD) was established in 1946 and was located in Ballsbridge for many years. The campaign for a new Veterinary School on UCD's Belfield campus was launched in 1992. Ten years later, the new school opened there in June 2002. After a restructuring in the University, the Veterinary School was merged with the School of Agriculture and Food Science in 2005, before again becoming an autonomous School in September 2011.

Welcome - Fáilte - from Professor Rory Breathnach, Dean & Head of School
As Dean and Head of School, I take great pleasure and pride in welcoming you to the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine, the only school of Veterinary Medicine on the island of Ireland. Accredited by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE), the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) and the Veterinary Council of Ireland (VCI), our MVB degree programme is one of only nine in Europe fully accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Our School is currently ranked 42nd in the QS World University Rankings by Subject. Our unique 4-year BSc programme in Veterinary Nursing is accredited by the EU Accreditation Committee for Veterinary Nurse Education (ACOVENE) and the VCI.
In addition to research masters (MVM, MSc) and PhD programmes, we also offer a 4-year graduate entry Veterinary Medicine programme, a Doctorate of Veterinary Medical Specialisation (DVMS), on-line graduate certificates in Dairy Herd Health, Small Animal Medicine, Equine Sports Medicine and in Training on Experimental Animal Use, Regulations and Procedures (TEARAP). Our School has a global scope, attracting undergraduate and postgraduate students from across the world including the US, Canada, India, China and throughout the EU. Our multicultural faculty includes academics from many European countries including the UK, Netherlands, Finland and Italy as well as colleagues from the US, South Africa, Jamaica and India.
Follow the Dean on Twitter: (opens in a new window)@RoryUCDVetDean