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Taking Initiative

Page updated 5 September 2023

Taking Initiative is demonstrated by suggesting improvements in your own work area, and acting early to address and resolve problems and find solutions.

Aurora is a leadership development programme for those who identify as female. It was developed by the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education in the UK. You can read more about the programme at (opens in a new window)Aurora | Advance HE

The programme is designed to introduce key leadership topics and skills through four online one-day workshops, complemented by online networking, action learning sets and resources.  Advance HE also host an in-person networking event as part of the programme.

The UCD HR People and Organisation Development Unit support the UCD Aurora cohort by hosting several local in-person events such as the UCD programme launch and closing events, mentee training and a mid-programme review event. On-going support is ensured through institutional mentoring.

Aurora is supported in UCD both by an overall Institution Champion, Professor Regina Uí Chollatáin, and an Aurora Coordinator in HR People and Organisation Development. 

Making an application

Applications for the 2024-25 Aurora Leadership Development Programme are now open. Information on the programme is available here and information for applicants is available here.

To apply, please complete the application form which can be accessed here.

All applications must be submitted by Thursday 5th September 2024 @17.00

Aurora Programme dates and outline

Date Time Topic/Activity Delivery Host 
03-Oct-24 12:15 - 14:00 Introduction to Aurora In-person UCD
10-Oct-24 09:30 - 13:30 Mentee Training In-person UCD
11-Oct-24 10:00 - 12:30 Introductory Webinar  Zoom Advance HE
08-Oct-24 10:00 - 15:00  Identity, Impact and Voice Zoom Advance HE
08-Nov-24 10:00 - 15:00  Core Leadership Skills Zoom Advance HE
29-Nov-24 10:00 - 15:00  Action Learning Set 1 Zoom Advance HE
12-Dec-24 10:00 - 15:00  Politics and Influence  Zoom Advance HE
22-Jan-25 10:00 - 15:00  Adaptive Leadership Skills Zoom Advance HE
14-Feb-25 09:30 - 16:00 Your Future in Higher Education In-person Advance HE
19-Feb-25 11:30 - 12:30 Mid-Aurora Review In-person UCD
06-Feb-25 10:00 - 15:00 Action Learning Set 2 In-person Advance HE
28-May-25 11:30 - 14:00 Post Programme Review  In-person UCD


The programme was established in 2013 and has run in a number of venues in the UK and Ireland, including London; Manchester; Bristol and Glasgow and Dublin. UCD has supported over 185 women to participate in the programme since 2015,  demonstrating the University's commitment to leadership development and gender equality.


Aurora requires that the University puts systems in place to help support and develop participants on their Aurora experience. This includes having mentors in place to work with participants. Although the development days are run over 5 months, the mentoring arrangement is for the duration of one year to help participants maximise the benefit of the programme.

Guidance on choosing a mentor is available below:

2024-2025 Aurora Guidance in Choosing a Mentor

Should you have any queries in relation to Aurora in UCD, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie.

If you have questions relating to other leadership or management development please discuss this with your Line Manager or Head of School/Unit at your annual P4G conversation.

Who is this course for?

This course is for all staff members who wish to equip themselves with the tools and techniques needed to better manage their time, work smarter not harder and increase individual and team productivity. 

The course will focus on how to prioritise your workload and avoid distractions to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed. We will look at techniques to help learners make sure all their day-to-day tasks are complete and nothing is overlooked.

By the end of the course each learner will be able to: 

  • Identify and avoid their own personal time stealers 
  • Understand the importance of creating time to plan 
  • Apply a robust decision making process that works 
  • Know when and how to say ‘NO' assertively 
  • Reduce stress and improve their well-being by being more in control of their workload

How long is this course?

The course duration is 3.5 hours.

What topics will be covered?

  • Your role responsibilities and priorities
  • Identifying your personal time stealers
  • Dealing with common distractions - Interruptions/emails/phone calls
  • Techniques so all day to day tasks are complete and nothing is overlooked
  • Planning tools and techniques - tasks; to do lists; daily plans
  • Prioritising tools and techniques - urgent versus important
  • Decision Making processes

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session? 

To gain the maximum benefit from the course each learner will be asked to complete a weeks’ worth of time sheets to see if they are productively planning their time and getting the most out of their work day.

Before the course begins each learner will also receive a 3-2-1 Personal Action Plan template. 

Post-training, participants will be led through a short reflective activity which will allow each learner to use this template to record: 

  • Three things they learned/were reminded about during training 
  • Two things they want to action based on the session 
  • One thing they are going to action this week.

For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

Who is this course for?

This course is for all staff who would like to improve their self-confidence in regard to their career.

Attendees will leave this session with a deeper understanding of self-confidence and how it can impact people during their career, as well as self-awareness in regard to any confidence triggers they have. 

How long is this course?

This course is 2 hours long.

What topics will be covered?

This course focuses on improving self-confidence regarding our careers. Many people experience imposter feelings or a lack of confidence at different times in their careers. This course will equip the attendees with a deeper understanding of how confidence affects people. Participants will receive practical evidence-backed tips from positive psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy which can boost confidence in the short and long term. The session will focus on self-reflection to allow the attendees to develop self-awareness. 

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session?

Attendees will be given time to reflect at the end of the session to set a goal with one action they plan to take to boost their confidence.

For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

Who is this course for?

This course is for all staff who would like to re-evaluate their work habits and explore how they can build their resilience practice, enabling them to minimise the barriers of resilience and maximise the enablers of resilience. 

The course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to reflect on their current work practices, provide a framework that can enable them to prioritise their energy, maintain their wellbeing and focus on achieving high levels of performance. 

By the end of the workshop participants will: 

  • Have raised their awareness of their current work practices and how they are contributing to their existing levels of resilience 
  • Have defined what is meant by "resilience" 
  • Have explored the barriers that can result in lower levels of well-being and productivity at work
  • Have developed an understanding of how they can resource themselves by investing in habits and enablers of resilience
  • Have learned practical tips that can be incorporated into weekly planning to maximise productivity 
  • Have created an action plan to enhance individual resilience

How long is this course?

This course is 3.5 hours in duration.

What topics will be covered?

This workshop will focus on the work and research of (opens in a new window)The Resilience Dynamic® including the key enablers and barriers to building our personal resilience. Participants will learn how to incorporate simple techniques into their weekly and daily work to enable them to balance well-being and productivity. Participants will share ideas and challenges and will generate a practical personal action plan aimed at building their resilience habits. 

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session?

Participants will be invited to consider the following in advance: 

  1. How they are defining resilience currently 
  2. Complete an “energy tracker” in advance of their work for one week prior to attending the training and track their energy levels

On completion of the workshop participants will be sent a LinkedIn Learning pathway of relevant available videos 

For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

Who is this course for?

This course is for all staff who wish to improve their critical thinking and logical reasoning for better analysis, evaluation and communication in workplace situations. The programme develops the critical and analytical thinking skills needed to correctly decipher information to influence and activate competent thinking into practical application.

By the end of this course, learners will:

  • Understand critical thinking, its purpose and presentation
  • Be very clear on the difference between good logic and bad reasoning
  • Avoid derailment in meetings and discussions 
  • Use Socratic questioning to understand the core and scope of any situation 
  • Understand bias and heuristic thinking and how they affect all aspects of implementing thinking in communication, problem solving and decision making

How long is this course?

This course is 3 hours in duration.

What topics will be covered?

  • Using Clear Reasoning: Making sense of goals 
  • Use the ‘Tree Diagram’ technique to produce clear, structured arguments
  • Learn different styles and structure of argument to produce powerful rational persuasion 
  • Overcoming False Reasoning: Using cool logic in hot situations Learning to deal with false reasoning in meetings and discussions. Understanding ten tricks of manipulation that derail clear communication 
  • Introduction to Biases
  • Heuristics: shortcut thinking 
  • Introduction to Socratic Questioning

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session?

No pre-course work is required. Following the session participants are directed to further reading and research on the practice of Critical Thinking in the workplace.

For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

Who is this course for?

This training course is for all staff who wish to equip themselves with the skills to communicate professionally with all customers (internal and external). 

On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to: 

  • Be motivated to make the most of each interaction with each customer
  • Identify the features of excellent customer service
  • Have a better understanding of why excellent service is critical
  • Understand what customers expect and what they can deliver on
  • Identify their own communication style and areas for improvement
  • Have a step-by-step approach to handling difficult customers

How long is this course?

The course duration is 3.5 hours.

What topics will be covered?

  • What are the features of excellent customer service?
  • Defining your responsibilities to internal and external customers
  • How to present a professional image - our appearance, attitude and behaviour
  • Self-assessment of your existing customer service skills - the associated strengths and weaknesses 
  • Professional communication skills 
  • Handling difficult customers with confidence
  • Measuring client satisfaction 

This course is highly practical and interactive and includes discussions and activities based on real world scenarios. Our trainers will also encourage learners to bring in their own experience and discuss practical, local examples where relevant. 

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session? 

To gain the maximum benefit from the course each learner will be asked to complete a Customer Service Quiz to assess how good their current customer service skills are. This will help learners to set the context for the course and allow them to focus on areas they need to improve on.

Before the course begins each learner will also receive a 3-2-1 Personal Action Plan template. 

Post-training, participants will be led through a short reflective activity which will allow each learner to use this template to record: 

  • Three things they learned/were reminded about during training 
  • Two things they want to action based on the session 
  • One thing they are going to action this week.


For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

In the meantime you may wish to access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses. 

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

Who is this course for?

This training is suitable for learners who want to create and develop their leader potential and mindset, and set SMART goals.

On successful completion of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Have more confidence in their leadership potential
  • List the benefits to themselves and the organisation that a Leadership mindset can bring 
  • Describe the four aspects of being a leader that every employee can develop
  • Effectively use feedback to support their own continued professional development

How long is this course?

The course duration is 3.5 hours

What topics will be covered?

The course content explores how each learner can realise their leadership potential by setting an example, taking initiative, taking ownership, being accountable, finding solutions to problems, influencing others and by supporting your colleagues. 

Each learner will leave the course with the knowledge that every employee has the potential to lead.

  • What is a mindset and how can we change it?
  • Adopting a Leadership Mindset - why bother? 
  • Leadership characteristics to develop - Responsibility; Empowerment; Accountability; Continuous Improvement; Inclusivity, Diversity
  • Hearing and making effective use of feedback received
  • Setting SMART goals for yourself that align with UCD core values and your P4G 

This course is highly practical and interactive and includes discussions and activities based on real world scenarios. Our trainers will also encourage learners to bring in their own experience and discuss practical, local examples where relevant.

Do I need to prepare anything before or after the session? 

To gain the maximum benefit from the course we recommend learners watch this LinkedIn learning session on Leadership Mindset (opens in a new window)https://www.linkedin.com/learning/leadership-mindsets/how-mindsets-trigger-leadership-styles

Before the course begins each learner will also receive a 3-2-1 Personal Action Plan template. 

Post-training, participants will be led through a short reflective activity which will allow each learner to use this template to record: 

  • Three things they learned/were reminded about during training 
  • Two things they want to action based on the session 
  • One thing they are going to action this week.


For details of upcoming events or to book your place on available courses, please visit the (opens in a new window)HR - Professional Development booking centre  If your chosen course is fully booked or no longer available, you can access the UCD LinkedIn learning portal via your UCD Connect login where you will find a range of eLearning courses.

If you have any further queries on this programme, please contact (opens in a new window)peopledevelopment@ucd.ie or call ext 4919.

UCD People & Organisation Development

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4919 | E: peopledevelopment@ucd.ie