Would you like to have your say in ovarian cancer research?


This World Ovarian Cancer Day, May 8th, PhD researchers from the Cancer Biology and Therapeutics laboratory at University College Dublin are inviting members of the public and people who have been affected by ovarian cancer to get involved with their cancer research.

“Our goal is to develop new and improved early detection and monitoring approaches for patients as well as novel treatment options” said Associate Professor Antoinette Perry, UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science and Fellow, UCD Conway Institute who is the principal investigator on the study.

A photo of the Perry team PhD students, Adele Connor, Claire Hughes, and Asia Jordan

Perry team: Pictured l-r: PhD students, Adele Connor, Claire Hughes, Asia Jordan

Broadening our collaborative network of scientists and clinicians to involve those who have a lived experience of the disease, either themselves or through a friend or family member, will ensure that our research remains relevant and impactful”.

The group has established a very active patient advisory committee, and together they were awarded a prestigious Public Patient Involvement award from the Irish Cancer Society in 2022. This award is supporting their efforts to now try and broaden public and patient involvement in their research.

The team is particularly keen to involve those from underrepresented or minority groups and have made a focused effort to reach out to the Bangladeshi community in Ireland. A short video (available in both English and Bengali) on what it means to have your say in ovarian cancer research can be viewed below:

To learn more about research in the Cancer Biology and Therapeutics laboratory, visit www.cbtlab.ie where there is a dedicated public and patient involvement section.