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Undergraduate FAQs and Forms

Forms and Frequently Asked Questions for Undergraduate Students

Please find below the answers to the most commonly asked questions at SPIRe, if you cannot find the answer you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact the SPIRe Office at (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie with YOUR STUDENT NUMBER.

You must upload your assignments in Brightspace. They are checked against Turnitin, UCD’s originality/similarity checking or plagiarism prevention tool in Brightspace. 

Students must upload their essay to Brightspace. Please ask your lecturer / tutor if hard-copy sumission is required. 

Please ensure that you completed work adheres to the School's guidelines (SPIRe Guidelines for Essay Writing) and accepted referencing system ((opens in a new window)Harvard Reference Guide) before you submit your essay. 

Hardcopy Submission (if applicable): 

Some lecturers/tutors will ask you to submit a hard copy as well. You can find the relevant tutor's/module's post-box in the Politics corridor (3rd Floor in Area G) in the Newman Building. The hard copy of the essay should have a completed Declaration of Authorship Form Essay Cover Sheet Word / PDF.

Plagiarism, either intentional or unintentional, is a very serious offence, and SPIRe takes possible incidents of Plagiarism very seriously. If you are unsure of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it please consult (opens in a new window)the library's helpful guide.

UCD Policy on Plagiarism‌

Plagiarism Example (PDF)

Self-plagiarism is also a case of plagiarism! - You must not present the same work in full or in part previously submitted at UCD or anywhere else. 

You should make every effort to submit your work on time. If you are experiencing difficulties please contact the relevant module coordinator at the earliest opportunity to discuss a possible extension. If you submit your essay late without prior notification to the module coordinator please refer to the (opens in a new window)University's Late Submission of Coursework Policy.

The following Google form should be submitted where you know that for good reason that a deadline cannot be met prior to the due date. (UCD login required)

(opens in a new window)Undergraduate Late Submission Application Form

Tutorials are an important part of the learning experience for your degree. It gives you an opportunity to engage with certain topics in detail and discuss your opinions with your peers and tutor. It also gives you the opportunity to get to know other SPIRe students and also your tutor who is happy to help with any questions or concerns you might have.

If you miss a tutorial, please fill out the relevant Google form from the list below.

SPIRe Tutors & Teaching Assistants Directory, Spring 2023-24

Tutors and Teaching Assistants are allocated to the following modules. 

  • POL10160 - Foundations of Contemporary Politics
  • POL10180 - Foundations of Political Theory
  • POL20020 - Comparative Politics
  • POL20050 - Research Methods in Political Science
  • POL10120 - Foundations in Global Development
  • DEV20130 - Sustainable Development

For queries related to administrative matters including tutorial registration, please contact the SPIRe School Office at (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie.

young woman, smiling, brown hair

Lucia Nunez Roncero


Zuzanna Krakowska


Anoor Amatul


Angeliki Kourri


Margaret Bruce


Meabh Lonergan


Mateus Bruno


Annie MacDonald


Ludovica Castellana


Lorcan McLaren


Grace Culhane


Paula Montano


Daire Denby


Sebastian Morabito


Sara Fortsch


Diana Nagle

POL10120 Teaching Assistant

Thomas Gavois


Jennifer O'Keeffe


Sean Gurrin


Neha Parikh

DEV20130 Teaching Assistant

Sarah King

POL20050 Head Tutor

Smrutimayee Sarangi

POL10180 Head Tutor


James MacCarthy-Morrogh


Dino Wildi

POL20020 Head Tutor

male, dark hair, neutral expression

Conor Twomey

POL10160 Head Tutor


SPIRe understands that you might have circumstances outside your control which means that you will be unable to complete assessments and sit exams. The School of Politics and International Relations and UCD generally have a variety of excellent support services for students who are in need (see other sections on this page).

It is important that you advise us of problems as early as possible; preferably in advance of the deadlines that you are concerned about. 

Problems of various kinds may be taken into account in marking work, or considering whether or not a late penalty should apply for an essay. It is important that you speak to the module coordinator or tutor.

You should also familiarise yourself with the University's Extenuating Circumstances Policy.

For a short-term illness, please refer to the "What if I cannot meet my essay deadline?" and "What if I miss a tutorial?" sections above. 

Please note your extenuating circumstances application will be reviewed at the Programme Office. 

Social Sciences Students (DN700)

BA Humanities History and Politics (DN530)

To be updated

School Support

Student support is very important to the School of Politics and International Relations and there are several points of contact at SPIRe depending on your requirements. If you require additional support from the university please see the section below.

Module Coordinator

Each module has a module coordinator, and the role of the module coordinator is to oversee all aspects of the module. If you have any questions or concerns about the module please contact the module coordinator. If you do not know who the module coordinator is please ask the module lecturer, your tutor, and consult the module's Brightspace page. If for any reason you are having problems contacting or getting a response from a coordinator please feel free to contact the module tutors or the School office.

SPIRe Tutors

One of the most important roles of the tutors is to be a source of support and guidance to students and to monitor and advise on your progress. Please consult the section above which details the name and contact details of all SPIRe tutors. You may contact your tutor by email, and cc your query to the School Undergraduate Administrator, at (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie

The School Office

E-mail: (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie

The School Undergraduate Administrator will help with any questions regarding student administrative or organisational matters. The school office is Room G301. The school's administrative team work on a hybrid basis. If the undergraduate administrator is not in the office, your queries should be sent by e-mail to: (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie. You should include your UCD student number in all correspondence with the School.

The University provides a range of advice, support and resources (these services are listed below) and you should consider availing of these if you require advice or assistance on any matter.  Please feel free to avail of these (see below) but always, if you are able, also let the School know if you are having difficulties. Remember the sooner an issue is identified and the appropriate people are made aware the more likely it is that it can be dealt with and we can help you.

UCD Student Advisers

Provide support to students throughout their university experience

UCD Chaplains

Provide both religious and pastoral care

UCD Student Health Service

Provide on-campus medical service

UCD Student Counselling Service

A free and confidential service staffed by professionally qualified psychologists and counsellors.

UCD Access Centre

Provides advice and support to students with disabilities, long term medical conditions or specific learning difficulties (e.g. dyslexia)

UCD Student Support

Provides a wide range of practical supports and links

(opens in a new window)Student Union

The Student’s Union provide a wide range of help and support include welfare advice

(opens in a new window)NiteLine Listening for Students

A non-profit organisation providing an anonymous and confidential student listening service

If you wish to review your exam script, send a request to (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie three working days in advance.

Please include the following information.

  • Student number
  • Full name
  • Module code and name

If you wish to review your script with your lecturer:

  1. Make an appointment with him/her by sending an email. (See here for staff details)  
  2. Also send an email to (opens in a new window)spire@ucd.ie so that the admin staff members will prepare your script before the appointment. Please indicate your student number, full name and the module code/name.

UCD School of Politics and International Relations (SPIRe)

School Office: G301, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.