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Year 1 BEd Gaeilge &/or Modern Languages Students Take Part in Several Language Events

BEd Gaeilge &/or Modern Languages Students Take Part in Several Language Events

Language Activity

Current Year 1 students enrolled in the UCD Bachelor of Education Gaeilge and/or Modern Languages programme have taken part in a myriad of language events throughout this academic year, which have developed their own language skills. They have shown great enthusiasm in transmitting their language skills to Primary students as well as Post-Primary students.

In September, our students enthusiastically commemorated the European Day of Languages, which is a European initiative aimed at encouraging language learning across Europe. They engaged in various language activities whilst listening to music and eating some European delicacies.

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In November, the School of Education took part in its first ever ‘ThinkLanguages’ event. Several language workshops were delivered in MFL and other languages. Some of the Year 1 BEd students acted as language ambassadors for this event, which hosted hundreds of Transition Year from all over the country. By participating in Think Languages, our students immersed themselves in a dynamic environment that nurtures their passion for languages.

Presently, Year 1 BEd students are on placement in a primary setting where they are developing and fostering language skills and cultural awareness in their primary students. During this placement, Year 1 students will, among other aspects, help their primary students put together a language project centered around an appreciation of their own culture and other people’s cultures. This links in with the inaugural launch of the Linguist Award for Primary and Post-Primary students. All schools throughout the country are invited to take part in it. Further details (opens in a new window)here.

As they continue on their journey as language educators, we remain confident that the BEd students will continue to make significant contributions to the field of language pedagogy and inspire future generations of language learners in MFL and Gaeilge.

School of Education

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777