Study at one of the World's Top Universities
都柏林大学是“爱尔兰的全球性大学”,秉承“汇集全球精英,传播爱尔兰精髓”的办学宗旨。都柏林大学由John Henry Newman创建于1854年,160年后都柏林大学已经成为全欧洲领先的综合性研究型大学并被爱尔兰人民称为爱尔兰的“精英大学”。
作为都柏林大学大学商学院的奎恩本科商学院(Quinn Business School)及斯莫菲特研究生商学院(Smurfit Business School),是爱尔兰最早成立的商学院,以培养优秀的商业人才和领导者而著称。它们是欧洲顶尖商学院,是全爱尔兰唯一一所同时获得三重认证(AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB)的商学院之一。同时,它们还是爱尔兰唯一加入全球顶尖商学院联盟(CEMS)以及全球高端管理联盟(GNAM)的成员。都柏林大学商学院拥有爱尔兰唯一的金融数据实验室(彭博终端数据实验室)并为学生提供相应的金融数据分析课程。

UCD is an international university where I can experience diversity of cultures. At the same time, it provides an advanced academic environment and abundant support for extracurricular activities and my career.
Xiangyu Zhang, China, MSc Digital Marketing
Brochures for Chinese Students
You can download UCD brochures below on the courses that interest you the most. These brochures have been developed specifically for Chinese students.
Choose from the general UCD Brochure for Chinese Students, Engineering Postgraduate courses, the Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy (APEP) Postgraduate course, Business Undergraduate Courses or Science Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses.
There are also brochures for the globally renowned UCD Michel Smurfit Graduate Business School Taught Graduate and MBA courses.

The academic capability and career guidance offered by UCD will help me go further and climb higher in my future prospects. I am really thankful for this opportunity to work alongside excellent subject matter experts and fellow students, whom I can learn from and gain skills for either my academic study or career path in the future.
Yumeng Zhou, China, MA American Politics & Foreign Policy
All you need to know
Why UCD is the Best University in Ireland for International Students
UCD is the most international university in Ireland and welcomes hundreds of new international students every year. Our 300,000 + alumni can be found in over 180 countries. Visit our UCD Global Alumni page and hear from UCD alumni who recently graduated from UCD and are enjoying career success all over the world!
UCD student Jiajin Li
BA in Information and Social Computing
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