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MA in Philosophy (General Programme)

MA in Philosophy (General Programme)

The MA in Philosophy (General Programme)is the most flexible of our MA programs. In one year of full-time study (two years part-time), students can take any six modules from those on offer in the given year. (See here for the latest list of available modules.) In addition, all students must complete a 12-15,000 word dissertation by mid-August.

For academic enquiries, please contact the MA Co-ordinator, Tim Mooney (tim.mooney(opens in a new window)@ucd.ie(opens in a new window))

For eligibility criteria, please see the admissions page.

All administrative enquiries should be sent to the School Manager:

UCD School of Philosophy
Newman Building
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Email: (opens in a new window)philosophy@ucd.ie
Tel: +353 1 716 8186

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor -- 510D, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: philosophy@ucd.ie