UCD Residences
We provide safe, beautiful and comfortable on-campus student accommodation at UCD. The UCD residences consist of a single bedroom with options of both private and shared bathrooms. Student apartments are equipped with kitchens, and fully catered packages are also available. Adapted facilities are available for students with a disability.
Places are limited and we regret that we are unable to guarantee all international students accommodation on-campus.
Please visit UCD Residences to explore your options and for details on pricing, packages, and the Res Life social programme.

I really enjoyed the student housing on-campus. It's also super safe, I think UCD in general is a very safe campus. I never worried about walking by myself late at night because it is in a very nice area and they have really great security.
Ellison Willard, USA, Marketing
Allocation and Application
Ireland’s largest university campus, UCD is a vibrant student community with over 4,000 students living on a state-of-the-art campus only 5km from Dublin city centre. UCD prioritises first year undergraduate international students (from outside the EU) for on-campus accommodation in order to provide support to get started at UCD. However, this also depends on demand therefore it may not always be possible to offer all first year international undergraduate students on-campus accommodation. Students are required to have accepted their course offer and paid the deposit in order to book on campus accommodation (subject to availability). Students, with a conditional accept for their course, are eligible to book a room. Communication will be sent to you regarding on-campus accommodation in early summer and this will include details of application dates and deadlines.
Graduate International Students
Rooms are offered to international graduate students on a first-come-first-served basis, until all places are full. Students are required to have accepted their course offer and paid the deposit in order to book on-campus accommodation (subject to availability). Students, with a conditional accept for their course, are eligible to book a room. Application is made online via the Residences Portal.
Visiting Students
International Study Abroad, Erasmus and Exchange students from outside the EU will be contacted by members of UCD Global with details of the accommodation application procedures. All eligible students will be emailed in advance of bookings opening with details on how to apply and a step-by-step guide on the booking procedure. Students are required to have accepted their course offer to book on campus accommodation (subject to availability). Students, with a conditional accept for their course, are eligible to book a room.
Who to Contact
For information on UCD residences facilities, fees and services, please visit UCD Residences.