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Robert Graves Lecture 2021 Prof Catherine Godson on Thursday 10th Feb 2022

Robert Graves Lecture 2021

Prof Catherine Godson, Full Professor of Molecular Medicine at UCD and Director of UCD Diabetes Complications Research Centre (DCRC) will deliver the prestigious 2021 Graves

Professor Catherine Godson will deliver the Lecture on 'Grave Considerations on the Resolution of Inflammation in Health and Disease' online Thursday 10th February 2022 @ 7.00pm 


Inflammation is a vital physiological response.  It is critical that the duration and amplitude of inflammation is tightly regulated to maintain tissue homeostasis. It is well appreciated that failure to resolve inflammation effectively underlies numerous prevalent chronic pathologies including vascular complications of diabetes. As the mechanisms  underpinning the dynamic resolution of inflammation have been explored key mediators driving these processes have been identified. Preeminent amongst these are lipoxins, a class of lipid mediator. Our work has characterized the role of lipoxins in promoting the resolution of inflammation and suppressing fibrosis. We propose that promoting the resolution of inflammation is an alternative therapeutic paradigm to conventional anti-inflammatory strategies.  In collaboration with Professor Pat Guiry at UCD School of Chemistry we have developed novel synthetic lipoxin mimetics and the focus of our current efforts is exploring the therapeutic potential of these agents.

This lecture is dedicated to the memory of Professor Barbara T Murphy FRCPI.

Details can be found (opens in a new window)here

Please register now using the (opens in a new window)registration link

UCD College of Health and Agricultural Sciences

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: chas@ucd.ie